Just a few snaps from tonight... Ali on his proto Ozonys XS26, Stan on his Ozonys and Ryan on his streeted up Woodstock: Ali tapping the end of the veerryy slippy rail Ali big tap (about 52" there), short run up Ali tuckage tester And then up to the top (bout 51") Up to front wheel on rail, couple of front hops then over directly forwards using the back side of the rail and the kerb to 'ramp' out Same again but over sideways Big dropgap Back wheel onto rock then sideways towards the camera onto another Tapping huge rock, looked small from the other side so I decided to do some climbing... Ryan with the same Akrigg-style move as Ali Wallride on the rock Stan whopper sidehop, the wall's about 52" and you can see he cleared it easy... And some random pics: Stan tapping Some of the fantastic faces pulled tonight Hope you like Cheers Ads