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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Yep Cheers man. Yeah, I could, but I wanted to keep everything pretty much standard. If I get the time/inclination the dremel will be out The cranks are MUCH lighter than Echo Forged, lighter than Middleburns and all the titanium BBs are either rubbish or too short for freewheel use Haha... I too would like to see it... my rear brake is always good when you ride my bike Hudson, and you know it
  2. The limit is £16 for 'commercial goods' and £32 for 'gifts'.
  3. ... But it's pretty poor. This is the best one: http://www.damonrinard.com/spocalc.htm
  4. K-124 sold to Wades/Online Bikes - K-124 own 24 Bicycles All the existing parts will still be available. Cheers for the shots Mark!
  5. Cheers man... fingers crossed that will help?!
  6. Lol, prepare to be disappointed If some kind soul would be able to try YouTube or TrialsTube that would be ace... I really can't get either to work
  7. Flipping YouTube's not working either... how's this: http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/thetart2...r=Last+modified ?
  8. Good shit you old man See you Friday hopefully!
  9. It does work, just not for spazzy computers Youtubing now It's our second unit, gradually filling up No sessioning in the day! Cheers for the comments!
  10. Ah-ha, forgot about this thread... Yeah I got some really random database error
  11. Bugger... give me a few mins, will try some shizzle.
  12. Naahh it's not THAT bad... http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&hl=e...ie=UTF8&z=8 From London it's just over 4 hours.
  13. What would your suggestion have been Andy? Just so I know for future... I don't think Gilles' girlfriend is over here any more.
  14. Hello all, Got bored tonight so decided to make a video... apologies for the poor: lighting (fluro strip lights and cheap old video cameras don't mix), filming (Stan's robbed my fisheye and the battery on my camera is so old that it won't charge any more, so I had to use an extension lead to get power to the camera... it wasn't long enough) and dodgy sound (had some music on my PC in the next warehouse for some sound). If it's way too dark stick it in Windows Media Player and whack the brightness and contrast up a bit Downloadable from here: http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/thetart20 -> TartyBikes-Adam-DOB-Indoor.mpg I'm uploading one to TrialsTube as well. Cheers Ads Edit: Hmm, TrialsTube gave me an error... Warning: Can't open movie file /home/trials/public_html/forum/videos/5427/ in /home/trials/domains/trials-forum.co.uk/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/class_video.php on line 133 Fatal error: Call to a member function getDuration() on a non-object in /home/trials/domains/trials-forum.co.uk/public_html/forum/ips_kernel/class_video.php on line 134 Any ideas? lol EDIT by Tomm: Youtube link: Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload Thanks Tomm
  15. Vid's worked fine, cheers! It just looks kinda normal to me... maybe a little more bob than 'average'. With your Tensile it didn't do this at all?
  16. It is VERY unlikely to be the freewheel (I have never seen this before). It's more than likely the threads on the cranks - it's impossible to manufacture them perfectly square. With your Tensile freewheel setup it is possible that the slight bend in your BB counteracted the 'wobble' of the freewheel - I would try your cranks in various positions on the BB and see if you can get it to run straight Adam
  17. ... and buying OE stuff, which isn't available for trials products.
  18. For standard MTB that's about right I'd say, most trials stuff is significantly less than that.
  19. All you do is pull the old pad off by hand and then push the new ones in If you look at the new pad you will see a hole with four 'clips' - these clip around the cylinder and they are what holds the pad in place. Adam
  20. Pics of the rims: And the back end:
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