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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. https://zippy.gfycat.com/SpotlessAbleFireant.webm
  2. A heads up for everyone related to this, it really helps if you can buy tickets with a bit of time to spare. We had to balance 'giving people enough notice it was cancelled' with 'waiting as long as we could to see how many would be coming', and to receive disappointed emails either way is tough. It feels impossible to find a balance. As Mark said, September is a funny time of year with lots of parents thinking about going back to school, but we did an event on 14th September before and it was 'sold out' (only 35 riders though) and we had more wanting to come. We will definitely go for earlier in the year for future events. Promotion I feel has been a little down compared with previous years, but we haven't really gone about it in a different way and with the amount of people we had asking about it ever since ticket sales started earlier this year (much more notice than normal) I thought we'd get to a 'runnable' amount of riders pretty easily. From an emotional point of view, running a weekend like this takes it out of all of us for at least a week either side of the event. On top of normal 9-5 work the prep is immense, then it's a long drive to Essex from us and unloading / sorting out when we get back is a mammoth task. Financially it has always been run at a huge loss but we do this to 1) give funding to Barrow Farm to help it stay open and 2) try to get everyone together at least once a year. Venue hire was £4500 this year (cheaper than previous years because Radical Bikes now have power to the field, rather than us having to hire a 10Kw generator), so on top of the other outgoings it would have cost us around £150 (even after your £25 ticket price is deducted!) a rider just to run. Good to hear that there will be some sort of event on so those who have planned to go still get a good weekend out of it! As mentioned, we haven't been put off running events but we will do something different next time and see how it goes
  3. I've been close to pulling the trigger on a press recently too! Keen to see how you get on with it Dan (and what random things you squash for a laugh).
  4. Nope, it was like a bird had pooed into a die and then let it set. Utter shite. Lasted a few years and plenty of drift and track days though, and is still going a few years later after I sold the car.
  5. I bought the cheapest of the cheap for my MX-5 and it was fine. Will have a build thread sometime Dave!
  6. That's really cool, good job! Jitsie do one now, by the way: https://www.tartybikes.co.uk/tools/jitsie_barbed_fitting_press/c31p13551.html
  7. New project... Should be sub 450kg when done: Should be 200bhp when fitted: (I have no idea why I can't remove the hyperlink from that photo)
  8. And they made brakes feel poop, because the holes in the fittings are tiny. Still possible to make one though: https://www.tartybikes.co.uk/hoses_and_fittings/hope_hose/c598p10809.html https://www.tartybikes.co.uk/hoses_and_fittings/hope_hose_spares/c598p10808.html See description for which fitting you need.
  9. Haha, yeah I missed that too! Good lad Dan. How's the Clio doing?
  10. AdamR28

    string spokes

    And why make them 8 times stronger? Maybe they just like the number 8 so every stat to do with those wheels is an 8? I love the idea and I can see it working well, but marketing bullshit can do one!
  11. All that effort and still 4s a lap slower than a 1.6 MX-5 with a standard engine Seriously though, that's a proper top day considering how much work you've done to the car! Enjoy Cadwell
  12. From my experience it works fine if you put the holes in good places - such as within gussets or in areas of minimal stress.
  13. We did the Corryhully Horseshoe: http://www.stevenfallon.co.uk/thuilm.html, only saw 3 other people all day, amazing!
  14. What rain? Twas lovely up in Scotland Bagging my first Munros makes me happy. And Jane cracked her first munro in 2 years after a nasty knee injury. Bazinga!
  15. That's what it looks like. I would guess that orange frame has cost something in the region of £50k to develop.
  16. 15-16th September, Barrow Farm. https://www.instagram.com/p/BgoU97AFXzN/?hl=en&taken-by=tartybikes
  17. Have you changed your name to Stan and sprouted a vagina? It came with the car - make one from a bitta perspex and some elastic straps?
  18. No rain = roof down. Rules is rules. The UK really needs to sort it's shit out when it comes to snow. Compulsory winter tyres would make such a huge difference, like they have in Europe.
  19. If anything breaks, it'll be the ratchet stripping out of the hub shell. If it's not bust by now, it should be ok. There's no real way to beef one up.
  20. Have done exactly this before - works a treat.
  21. Also shocked / impressed at how good the 135 freewheels have been. That would be my choice if budget allows
  22. AdamR28


    Similar thing here - although the opposite way around! My right leg is far more developed than my left, and this caused some pretty nasty left knee issues when I started running / hiking earlier this year. Something to bear in mind for trials riders I think, we use odd muscles in weird ways, so your comment about doing lots of different activity is a prudent one Andy, especially as you get older.
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