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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Yep, and the Tiso ones are £300+! Some people are prepared to spend the extra for TOP performance... just not many! Surprised people haven't seen the VR mechs before, they've been out for a couple of years now.
  2. AdamR28


    Haha! To be honest I like both coffee and tea, but rarely drink either. Caffeine is the devil
  3. Haha! New MSN name? You know what... I don't think I do Sorry! 5/12.. not too bad!
  4. I would say flexibility. It's fairly simple mechanics - if you are more flexible, you can exert more power as the force you put in is over a longer distance (work done (power) = force x distance). I guess the equation puts the same emphasis on both strength (force) and flexibility (distance), but it's much faster, initially, to build flexibility. Just a few simple stretches a day makes a massive difference to your riding, whatever level you are at (if you aren't already a stretchy beast anyway!).
  5. Haha, I know... This is where I sit all day too! Cheers for the comments guys
  6. Ta-daa: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=115659 New one has a disc mount... I want one :$
  7. I think we're on about 26" here dude I think Dan Brooker has one also?
  8. Thanks to Dr. Jon for the pics! Martin gap down to barrel Sidehop to rear from pallet in the bottom right Sidehop Gap (looks tiny in the pic ) Gap up to Frenchie Gap up to wheels from the grey block on the blue pallet in the left of the picture (big!) Bunnyhop Sidehop to rear Sidehop again... my biggest ever, woop! Bunnywhop... again my biggest But looks small considering I nearly gave myself a hernia... Gap up to front wheel Martin, King of the Gurn Cheers Ads
  9. For me there is actually - only really noticeable when you go from 108 back to 72 though, not quite as much if you go the other way... but still noticeable.
  10. When does easter start for you? Hoping to get them to NSE in time for 24/25th of March.
  11. And then another day or two to get to NSE.
  12. You can make some really interesting shapes with pallets: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=115594
  13. Possibly... 580g for 26", thats 140g lighter than 20" Forxx!
  14. There's a bit at the end of this vid: Not sure how to get to that part though... :$
  15. Paint is goood... As for new bar and stem... it kinda depends how you want the bike to ride - more like a 'trials bike' or more like a spinny BMXy type. Longer/lower front ends lend themselves (generally) to more trialsy moves and shorter/higher to BMXy stuff
  16. Maybe with DOB forks and some modifications
  17. The one at the bottom of the right hand leg? That's to let hot gases out when welding, all frames/forks have em... I could drill some holes though Nah, I'm trying to keep all the parts completely standard (only thing modded is bashplate mounts removed from the frame), for now anyway
  18. They are RockMan rotors (same company as Rock Pads and the RockMan grips)
  19. New pic 12th March with new pedals and rotors (82g each!)... weight now 7.88kg: Still loving it
  20. Even if you don't take your bike I'd say its worth going... you could sort of compare it to going to watch *insert best person in the world at any sport* for free!
  21. Some anomalies/new answers for you there!
  22. Haha, no Ali said it was Revolution... although I thought it was Evolve too... weird!
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