Did you give it a good clean out before the water bleed? If not, there will most likely be lots of gunky ming that's slowing your brake right down... Whip it apart and check, it will be fairly obvious! My preferred solution: Get a track pump, and attach this to a bleed pipe using the presta fitment on the pump, and then to the slave cylinder. Stick an outlet pipe in the lever, aim this towards a bag/tub/something to catch the ming and pump like fury... Then, mix up a 1:5 ratio (ish) of washing up liquid/water... bleed the brake with that, pump it a lot. Repeat the track pump stage and then re-bleed with normal water. Pump the brake plenty of times again, repeat track pump... then re-bleed with fresh water. Drop some wet chain lube on the seals/pistons and work it in my pumping the brake, then wipe off any excess. If it's really not having it, you can try taking the master piston out, removing the seals, then sanding the diameter down a teennyy bit until it slides correctly (push it in and check - make sure you put the spring in! Or you'll have to use the track pump to fire it out again). Lube it up, bleed the brake and try again. That should sort you out! Ads