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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Just looked like you started to drop the front and lower your arse a bit early, then it's really hard to do any correction hope... I've done it a few times, always makes a mess of things, haha. New rims and bits will be with you tomorrow mate
  2. Closest I can find is BD17 5BN That puts you on Prod Lane... but it's just off Glen Road: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=e...&iwloc=addr
  3. Nope - it's the Heatsink I believe.
  4. You don't half get about Bessell! Looks like a cool ride, wish I could have been there
  5. Oops, sorry guys... I think some of the clips are from here: http://www.photobysergio.fr/video-street-istres.html Edit: Looks like they are all clips from that vid, was posted in November :$
  6. That's pretty much what I'd say also... seconded on the Monty bars - although the Rage bars are the same shape and a little wider should you prefer that For the stem... what did you have on your Monsterboy? The TMS one I have is 150 x 30 and works well. Don't forget also that the back end of the DOB is 350 (13mm shorter than most) so the front end is effectively longer
  7. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4taf6_gi...ustellier_sport I think 'clinical' and 'massive' about sum it up! Some re-used footage but mostly new... Taps towards the end are
  8. Ah yeah - cheers for that Mark, forgot about that! How much difference did it make for you btw? 1-2mm?
  9. Dunno where it is on this PC mate... I'm at Claires, sorry!
  10. Aye First bunnyhop is a monster btw!
  11. Beast! Adopting the Frenchie front wheel stuff already I see... good lad
  12. Chain stretch. Bessell's with 18:16 is a smidge under 380. With a new chain and 18:15 Bigmans Giaco was 381. Not sure, but will measure the next one we get in.
  13. I think I'll be free that weekend... can kip at mine if you like? (As long as I'm free and you don't trash the place ) Then obviously ride Shipley on the Sat... probably be heading to YMSA on the Sundy though.
  14. No, it was ripped directly from the very first Inspired proto.
  15. Yep tap to 90... well done - does look a bit like a sidehop though eh! Quality gurnage from both of them
  16. Saw Ad's and Dan's helmets yesterday... really sweet! I'll be giving you a message/call Dan, haha
  17. If there was a link/proof then yeah... The mech isn't just for use on trials bikes also.
  18. Do you mean the Ltd Edition White Boxx? http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=10408
  19. They are new (due in the UK next week) but we have had them on the site for a few weeks
  20. Just a few snaps of Bessell and Dan Brooker from tonight Ad sidehop to rear Dan gap up to front Ad biiigg gap up to front, then switch to rear Ad dropgap... also mahoosive Same again mid-air Dan sidehop to rear Cheesing it up... Dan tap with tweak More cheese... Ad gapping to... nothing Ad tweaked tap (brake held ) Dan tap And you gotta guess what this move was... hah Hope you like Ads
  21. Glad to see it all built up well I like the colour combos too actually... Wish I'd have got orange now, haha!
  22. Weight is 9.92kg. The ride is very stiff and surprisingly agile considering the wheelbase is a smidge over 1100. Ads
  23. Nice one Joe! Gonna be some good kit for the auction! I sent a set of Echo Team forks, GU Headset, Czar brake clamps, one of each size of TartyBikes Tee and a ZOO! Frame bag down yesterday also Hope the event goes well
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