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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Beast... will give you a shout next time I'm down Ad
  2. As all full build Koxx bikes... :wink2: haha. Looks good Dan, bit more chain tension and she'll be sweet!
  3. I reckon the same.
  4. The geo isn't very 'up to date' as they are old frames... RRP of the Breakfast is £200 so it's not a high level frame at all. Looks a bit like a 2004 Levelboss crossed with a TA26.
  5. The Choco, Milk and Breakfast are old Koxx frames from the 'ST' (street) range... should be pics on the tinterweb somewhere.
  6. Cos the setup is different now I'm guessing. Does it ACTUALLY work better (quantifyably) or is it just louder and bites more? (ie. more flex and less vibration dampening)
  7. Chuck some turps on your hands, feels oily, right? It was the water that cleaned your brake, not the turps. For the booster - there are so many other factors though, setup being a major one. The sound also can make you think your brake is working better when in fact it isn't. It's completely obvious that your brake will have more lock with a booster on... since there is more force going through the pads and into the rim! If it's an Evo setup then the 'booster' still helps a bit.
  8. The booster will help with brake power though... simple physics. I would suggest cleaning the rim and pads with something that's actually designed as a cleaner - meths (not turps or white spirit, these are both pretty much oil). Top layer off the pads, set up square, leave to bed in
  9. AdamR28

    Forum Problem!

    Top right of the topic (under the Add Reply and New Topic buttons)- 'Options' - 'Display Modes' - 'Standard'
  10. *Ali C on Adams account* I have been cutting my tyres for a while now. Not only does it nearly save 100g per tyre, is really does increase grip! Its noticeable thats for sure. To the people saying its a waste of time, I wouldn't make up your mind just yet. Maxxis 26" tyres are designed for rotating grip while downhilling (even the hansventure is an all round xc/dh/freeride tyre), trials puts a whole different strain on a tyre and cutting them makes them better at the job I want them to do.
  11. They are 24 Bicycles YMIAB LT
  12. Can't believe there's no entries yet... there's still time though!
  13. AdamR28


    The 180 is £25 and the 200 is £30. If we can get hold of the same products for less cash (and therefore lower retail price) then we'll always do it - I'll get one to check out
  14. The key to more height is more weight transfer. The first movement should be forwards and downwards, like you're trying to stalk the obstacle and/or kiss your front tyre. Watch a Benito Ros video and you'll see what I mean!
  15. Absolutely Apparently grunting has been proven to increase throwing distance by 6% in javelin throwers - I think it was to do with the sudden exhalation of air... interesting. Back on topic... I think of about... I dunno really. Just being focused I think!
  16. I think it's more likely: 1. The booster dampens the sound 2. The pads need to bed in again before they will work 100%
  17. AdamR28


    All except XTR are virtually the same (XTR have Ti rods = flex = not good for clamping force).
  18. AdamR28


    Steel rod Shimano QR > any of those types of allen key skewers.
  19. Cool, good idea There we go! Cheers Ads
  20. Another pimp Inspired full build... slightly different spec with a few pimp new bits on it Cheers Ads
  21. The hubs do need to bed in from new so a few skips are normal. If it's skipping a lot under power then it's best to just ride around only putting light pressure on the pedals while everything beds in. If it's still giving you trouble after a few days then just give us a call The driver is supposed to come off easily for servicing, yes
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