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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. I am not sure where the speculation about '08 deng models' has come from - it is not unknown for a company to run the same frame for 2 years! I do know Echo have been working hard on a new parts range so I doubt there will be new frames available before the 09 models. At £300 you have a lot of choice, check out specs, compare them across frames, and most importantly try and get a shot on a few different frames to see which you prefer
  2. Haha. I think they are cast now then CNCd to finish, then polished up (they are defo Echo cylinders).
  3. Check the pictures on TartyBikes website - the rims have changed, they are actually the latest Try-All rims which won't be on the top bikes for a few months yet! The headset is also the same one as used on all the Koxx bikes, including XTPs, the Boxx... Have a look at the specs of the new 449, 499 and 649, they are completely different to the Trick and the Djinn, I think you'll be suprised
  4. Oh yeah, definitely, on street I think its a winner but on natural... not so sure. Even Vincent says it's done for weight saving but the grip is worse, especially on rocks/natty.
  5. Very pimp as I have already said For those wondering about the tyre, why do racing cars run slicks? (Where permitted.) Of course one reason is for less drag, but when they introduced the compulsory grooves in F1 tyres this was to slow the cars down by giving them less grip... of course there are more factors than that but I think there is definitely mileage in the idea. Btw, the 'prototype Trialtech pads' aren't ZOO pads, despite being a similar colour...
  6. I see, hmm... well a new tyre may help, there are none specifically smaller than others as far as I know, but it does sound like it's the rims that's the problem
  7. It does sound like the rim is the problem then.... got a tape measure? If you could check the overall diameter of the rim that might try and weed out the problem - Try-Alls are 397mm and Echos 398mm for comparison. Also, compare the 'bead' (the little bit that sticks out inside the sidewalls to 'catch' the tyre) of the Neon rim to your Monty one to make sure it isn't too small
  8. Is it possible that the rim is at fault? Has the problem only started since you changed rim?
  9. Doing Stan's pics today :wink2: The 3 frames are all different - the Cannibal is the lightest at around 1.75kg, then the XR26 at 1.9kg, and the XS26 at 2.1kg. All *similar* geos, but ride differently and different strengths.
  10. Did you put the bearings in the right way up? Since the bearing cages don't actually touch anything, I find it hard to believe they would just fall apart... Anyway, the weight is 116g, plus 26g for top cap/star nut/bolt. Pretty good considering Koxx have used them for 7 years and not had one problem to date!
  11. Of course... I just think that if it's failed due to a problem with the rotor, then it should be replaced for you. Tell you what, I'll send the pics off to Gusset and I'll see what I can do from there, then let you know if it needs to come back, that ok? Cheers
  12. Strange - feel free to send it back and we'll give warrantying it a go
  13. Try this... take the rotor off and put it on something flat (glass, worktop) and check if it's bowed. Then, put a different rotor on and see if that appears to be warped - my guess is that the hub disc mounts have deformed slightly and that the rotor is fine.
  14. The only differences between the Hope brakes and the Try-All brakes are the colours and the rotors. The rear disc mount is at +20 so instead of a #3 caliper for 160 rotor, the XTPs and Hoesels (and Hydroxx) use a #5 caliper and 160 rotor (same as a front brake). I have 'normal' Hope brakes on my Hoesel (but needed to swap the rear caliper from my DOB). I agree that white, silver or black rims would look better, but with the blue stickers on it does look really sweet. Try-All rims are being phased out ready for a new model in approx 2 months, so all the most popular colours have sold out now. Ads
  15. At £5.. Monty for small hands, Trialtech for larger hands
  16. AdamR28

    Bruno Arnold

    Looks about... 2001?
  17. 25 Summer lovin...? haha. No days off unfortunately, might treat myself to a half day sometime though! Cheers boys
  18. AdamR28


    Have you seen pics of a Hydroxx 2? Just wondering as they haven't been released yet. Anyway, looks sweet, I'm not sure on the yellow also but then again I am a boring old man Enjoy it!
  19. Now officially an old man, Mr B is 22 today! Have a good one mate
  20. Are you on ISIS or square taper? If ISIS, the new Trialtech cranks may be worth a look, available in silver too: http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=10467
  21. Ok ok... Wodge: Opposite of wedge (wheels over an obstacle rather than being squeezed between two things) Batman: Hanging (like a bat) off forks then going up to back wheel. Pigeon: Front wheel on something, rear wheel on the flat/another obstacle about 20-30" below... your head bobs like a pigeon when you make the move. Racing pigeon: The same as above, but gap/roll into the move and then straight up. Pigeon roll: Both wheels on the flat, compress forks, load up chain, then chuck the bike to rear wheel into a manual (head bobs and you roll out). I'm sure Aran and Ali have more
  22. Wodge? Batman? Pigeon? Racing pigeon? Pigeon roll? If you want some explanations I'm happy to do them when I have a few mins... they are pretty random
  23. Haha, sorry Well... it sounds like it IS a Pace from what's been said above, but I have seen identical 'jump/trials' frames being sold on eBay for short of £50. Pace externally butt their square profile tubes and certainly wouldn't use off the shelf taiwan-made dropouts on their UK manufactured frames.
  24. No no no... that's to do with VAT!
  25. I do agree to an extent with what you're saying, for sure. A few week's worth of looking, maybe a month, can't harm, but if it's longer than that... maybe you're aiming too high, or too picky about the job you want to do... Maybe there just aren't enough jobs in your area to fit you 'ideal' situation? On the second point, I think that if you really want a better job then you will find one, no matter what it takes. I dunno... I might be just a bit biased, probably have been lucky with jobs in the past... but to me, if you want to get a job then you will get one - and even if it's not to your full potential then you will grow/rise through any company/organisation until you find the level to which you are competent at performing.
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