Well, the migration didn't quite go to plan, but after many hours of hard work our new site is up and running! Huge thanks to Dave and Scott at Cox Web Design for their hard work with this one... Dave managed a 40 hour stint from 10am Friday to 2am Sunday with only 30 minutes sleep, nutter
Anyway, we have added some new features and the whole look of the site, which was around 3 years old, has been updated to be more modern. The layout and functionality remains similar but it should be a bit tidier, especially in the shopping basket and left hand products menu.
A cool new feature is also the automatic geolocation... international customers will have their region automatically detected and the price displayed with or without VAT depending on your country's tax status (check the top right hand corner of the site!). We also have a fully integrated UK postcode searcher to allow UK customers to input addresses much more quickly and accurately, and will have more handy bits and bobs added shortly.
We also have a new Media Area - even the wallpapers have been updated! Rider page to follow shortly...
As always, if you have any comments or suggestions please let me know. There shouldn't be any bugs/issues on all the Supported Browsers, but if you do find anything I'll get onto it...
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Many thanks!
The TartyBikes Team