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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Yeah it'll work great Tom, wouldn't bother with square holes though as it takes ages and whipping the wall out saves more weight than squaring up the holes! Ads
  2. Price TBC, I will post details when available. They aren't Release is imminent, other details to be released when I have them. Nah, Tom has the current XTP, the Sky range has different head tube, BB area, dropout, brake area (see new pics in 1st post) Why not? If you think through the forces applied to the head tube, material has been removed from the neutral areas and added in high stress locations. Top of the range. Stem, rims, bars, pedals, brake clamps. Weight of the rim brake frame is said to be around 1.45kg but this is not confirmed yet. Geo TBC also. Not sure about the bars, will ask! Yeah, the stocks are sweeeettt as well. No. New pics in first post Ads
  3. Youtube: Oh and the filming was done by his mate mainly!
  4. Here's a video from (mental) Martin, those of you who have met him will definitely remember him 4 mins long, riding from various places across the North West, well worth a watch if you have been into trials for a few years. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  5. Haha, no no no, the wheels were built! Well, that's the general queue in the workshop, but I found a spare hour on Friday afternoon, would have been a waste otherwise!
  6. 9.52kg complete, built from scratch in 50 minutes! Cheers Adam
  7. Ti bolts, carbon lever blade, pimp! Cheers Adam PS: Yes, I would have slammed the seat, but I wanted the logo for pictures
  8. I know I am I just used an angle grinder (cutting disc), hacksaw was taking aaagggeeesss.
  9. Just click the 'Add to Basket' button and all the options with their relevant prices are displayed (same with any of the products on our site)
  10. AdamR28

    Tight Spot..

    Haha, yeah sure, back in work Monday
  11. AdamR28

    Tight Spot..

    Take the chain off and spin the cranks - does the sprocket 'wobble'? If so, check the BB isn't bent... Which cranks do you have also?
  12. Hi everyone, Here are the first public pictures of Koxx's 2009 20" bikes - the 'Sky' range. Please note that the frames are shown in raw finish, I will post details/images of the final colour schemes once they are ready for public viewing. Disc version: Rim brake version: Close-up pictures (added 5th August): The eagle-eyed will also spot a host of new parts, again details of these to be released shortly. New pictures added 13th October: Here are the 2009 bikes: 20" Range Microboxx - 18" front and 16" rear wheels. Foxx - 20" wheels front and rear. Hydroxx 2 20" White Sky - Dual HS33 Silver Sky - Dual Disc 26" Range Hydroxx 2 - Available in Disc/HS33 and dual disc Black Sky - Dual HS33 Grey Sky - Dual HS33 Orange Sky - Disc/HS33 Purple Sky - Disc/HS33 Red Sky - Dual Disc Geometries, price and other information can be found on the K-124 UK website - http://www.k-124.co.uk Thanks Adam
  13. I believe the Echo etc forks used to be U6 and there will have been some residual stock, hence why some forks (ZOO! for example) seemingly being stronger in certain areas than Urbans, for example. At the moment I believe they are being manufactured in 6061-T6. The Trialtech forks are 7005. Dave mentioned to me that he looked into U6 forks but the price wasn't do-able (with a 'proper' pricing structure anyway).
  14. AdamR28

    New Facebook

    Hmm, will just need to get used to it I think?
  15. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=123501 Does that count? Rowan - sweet vid, music was AWESOME, superb riding... nice one
  16. Aaahh... Isn't it the same for pneumatics though? Since air is also a fluid and thus behaves like liquid. Either way, glad you've got it now Can be quite confusing! Why thank you, although I am a small boy in comparison with other Adam
  17. Yes, take your bike to a different shop!
  18. http://auto.howstuffworks.com/brake1.htm
  19. Exactly, because the small cross sectional area of the smaller syringe is exerting more pressure (eg. 13mm master piston on an RB lever instead of 14mm on HS33... similarly, increasing slave system diameter has the same effect). So, the brake isn't '25% stronger', but the system is easily capable of offering 25% more mechanical advantage by simply increasing the diameter of the slave pistons.... downsides, as Bigman said, are spongy lever feeling and having to set the cylinders/pads closer.
  20. Yeah, works a treat if you pull on the crank arm as in the picture though!
  21. Maybe, but Rockman is from Singapore!
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