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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. AdamR28


    That sounds like the Jon of old Reformed now though I see!
  2. I can't quite get my head around the end bit of this thread but... 36h mod rear rims have smaller holes than 32h ones... If that helps?
  3. Couldn't have put it better, except I'm 25 and less competent at chatting shit than Anal is
  4. I see what you're saying Rowan... I prefer the 'CTRL + X, C, V keys' as it doesn't require taking my hand off the mouse though, saves a lot of time!
  5. Yeah that's right, but you usually need a whack to dislodge the wedge as Flipp said
  6. Red was the right choice... That looks so FUN! Mr Super UCI
  7. Aaah... the memories!!! I haven't spent this long watching videos since about 2003... Didn't realise you were gonna do this, I'll make sure I look for more on my HD tomorrow for you Phil You were definitely one of the original beasty street riders! Thanks!
  8. Has the head tube been faced and also the fork crown race? It's more important with that headset as there is no 'float' because of the integrated bearings...
  9. Haha! I'll try and find that pic actually...
  10. Right, I can't make this now... gonna organise something somewhere else, will post up when we know what's happening...
  11. The Meta fork geo is totally different to Try-Alls...
  12. Yeah it said it would be fine, I don't care about the wanky south http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/nw/...cast_radar.html
  13. Anyone else fancy it? Probs will be getting there or about 2-3 ish. I'll be online tomoro morning for a yay/nay decision if the weather looks dodgy! Cheers Ads
  14. Haha, ok ok Paul: that's true, but if someone can't set up Maguras well enough to make them work then I'm not sure they have the skills to make some adaptors...
  15. +£29 cos you can't buy that frame any more
  16. +£29 cos you can't get a decent trials frame with V mounts any more!
  17. AdamR28

    Adjust Your Eyes

    Good stuff man, gotta love chilled vids Good to see you last night on your crazy random roadtrip, haha!
  18. As long as you work on it every 5 minutes I don't mind Vees or Maguras, neither are crap, the performance just depends on the tweaks/additions you make to the brake and your ability to set it up! Generally I find: Maguras to have better bite, Vees to have better hold. Maguras less maintenance, Vees easier to fit. Maguras more choice of pads, Vees a better choice of arms/lever/cable. You just have to set either up well and use the 'positives' of each type of brake to your advantage Edit: Hudson shut up! You're like a broken bloody record, haha.
  19. That could be your problem, too much tar just makes brakes worse... Have you tried the brake without any tar?
  20. Only TartyBikes sells Ridden in the UK. All the clothing is discontinued now so you can only get what's left! The website was riddenclothing.com They do not produce any stickers. Cheers Adam
  21. Looks good, liking the black and silver theme Enjoy!
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