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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Not me, but I thought it needed posting Rob Poyser (onzabob)
  2. Works a treat, as does spray mount glue (the sort of stuff you'd use in art for mounting a piece of paper onto a sheet of card, that sort of thing).
  3. Don't worry, we're getting some in Black too
  4. Good stuff, glad you managed to get it all to fit See how you get on with it like that, but I think you (your back? haha) may benefit from a higher stem sometime in the future. Enjoy!
  5. Apart from about half of them I assume the graphic designers aren't too clued up on how rotors should be fitted, however I am sure they will be 'correctly' mounted in the flesh.
  6. I may have found one for you Bike looks cool Nathan
  7. Not for me... haha... any chance of a screen dump?
  8. Eating... About the right sized bike... And eating again... Check the correct huge-burger-munching-little-finger-holding technique Move in with her on Thursday
  9. WRONG WRONG WRONG - Tarty raffles :wink2:
  10. Speed Race 'Roar Power' frames
  11. Here are the 2009 bikes: 20" Range Microboxx - 18" front and 16" rear wheels. Foxx - 20" wheels front and rear. Hydroxx 2 20" White Sky - Dual HS33 Silver Sky - Dual Disc 26" Range Hydroxx 2 - Available in Disc/HS33 and dual disc Black Sky - Dual HS33 Grey Sky - Dual HS33 Orange Sky - Disc/HS33 Purple Sky - Disc/HS33 Red Sky - Dual Disc Geometries, price and other information can be found on the K-124 UK website - http://www.k-124.co.uk Thanks Adam
  12. That's a link to our old website, you can see the video here: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/media-movies.h...15&ypos=370 Thanks Adam
  13. The best bet for axle modification would be to just file a 10mm flat on each end of the axle... However, this will put the disc mount in the wrong place as you said
  14. Sorted, cheers guys One wrong click... oops...
  15. Yo Ben, Yes, that's deliberate - all the products can have more than one category. Another example is the H 100 front disc hub which is in both trials and XC hubs Cheers for the comments so far! Adam
  16. Not until they are here, Black and Grey only as listed. Cheers! Adam
  17. Hi all, K-124 UK have a new website - http://www.k-124.co.uk Trials riders interested in the 2009 Koxx Bike range can view it here: http://k-124.co.uk/search.php?category_id=195 Keep an eye out for the team van at events throughout next season: Thanks to the guys at Cox Web Design for their hard work as always. Comments welcome! Thanks Adam
  18. I believe so, then combine it with 10mm less offset on the forks makes it effectively 72.5mm
  19. The Trialtech in M12 is nice and strong at a middle sort of weight, if you want something super tough then have a look at the Truvativ Gigapipe and the SKF BFR-600 - both much stronger than the Meta but a bit heavier than the Trialtech.
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