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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Short in Silver would be a bit lighter though... but... short bikes aren't really regarded as competition bikes, so we built a long.
  2. I worked out a lightest mod spec and it was around 7.5kg due to the heavy tyres, not worth doing IMO. The rear tyres are only bad if you are a basher. Gav has a Protection version (sidewalls are no thicker than the Supersonic) and only gets the odd flat, even though he rims out quite a lot. The frame weight if this bike is 1.590kg. I am quite sure this bike will not 'snap in 4 months of riding' either.
  3. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?product_id=10759
  4. Not sure actually... probably... and ground the rims... should have stipulated 'abnormal modifications' then or something, for the gayboys like you Mr Travis Both the tubes on that bike are butyl, Gav's running the a very similar setup (Protec instead of Supersonic rear though) with no problems yet.
  5. Yes: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/search.php?cat...by=weight%20asc
  6. Not sure yet... I'll tot it up and put it on the site for sale asap
  7. Hello everyone, We decided it would be fun to try and build a superlight bike... with the following brief: - Must be fully 'rideable' (no stupid stuff just for the sake of making it light that would fall apart after 5 mins riding). - Must have no modifications. - Must be able to be sold once built. Here's the outcome... Full spec is here: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?product_id=10759 7.80kg - 17.20lbs Hope you like! Cheers Adam
  8. Waiting for people to get back to us regarding the potential new arrangements. What's your thoughts? Exactly as Nick said
  9. Hmm, probably not, but it does sound like it could do with an overhaul. If the tabs aren't too mashed, feel free to send the crank arm to us and we'll whip it off for you (only charge will be postage back to you). We've not failed to get one off yet Cheers Ads
  10. 1. Yes, maybe worse 2. Yes but maybe not as large (depends on the frame) 3. Nothing that's an easy fix... could weld a plate over as has been said. 4. No
  11. I prefer Trialtech grips without gloves. They are grippy and comfy without gloves, and soak up sweat well too. A tip - if they start to get less grippy in time, wash them! This brings out all the old manky bits of skin and dirt, making them feel like new again. Personally I find gloves make my hands hurt more as they bunch up and cause pressure points on my palms. I also don't like the lack of 'feel' they give on both the brakes and the bars... Adam
  12. Ok... more sums have been done! With only 8 people on the trip we could downsize to an MPV instead of minibus (2 passengers in the van, 6 in the MPV), and this would reduce the cost of fuel, chunnel and hire quite a lot - to the point where we should be able to do it very close to the '10-person' price of £235 Cheers Adam
  13. Hi guys, We are going to extend the deposit system til after the weekend. At the moment there are 8 deposits which means the trip will cost approx £295 each if all are happy with that. One extra person would drop the cost by about £30 each, and if we can make 10 then it would be around £235. Cheers Adam
  14. Hi Mate, It was Gav you spoke to, sorry if he wasn't 100% clear, it's the Monty 221 bashplate have upgraded you to Cheers Adam
  15. Oops - sorry Jack, didn't realise you were on the forum too... thanks for letting me know anyway, just one more guy to contact... Cheers!
  16. Still 8, possibly one more though... I spoke to Dan Brooker - he suggested possibly upping the cost per person to make up the overall cost required if 10 didn't reserve, would you and Hudson be up for that too Matt? Cheers Ads
  17. Sure, no sidehops, straightened hair or tight jeans allowed Just a joke man, hope you don't take it the wrong way...
  18. In the title :wink2: Sweet That's how they come!
  19. Just arrived today Geo: 995mm wheelbase, +80mm BB, 350mm chainstay, 590mm 'reach'. Cheers Adam
  20. AdamR28


    Strange thread... lol... but it's sorted now. Thanks.
  21. Don't worry man I've got your name on one :wink2: Silver Sky in tomorrow
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