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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. About 6-7g, which is 3% of the overall weight of the item. If you did that on all the parts of your 10kg bike, it would be 9.7kg - a significant saving given that it makes no difference at all to the strength or performance!
  2. What individual tool requirements? It uses a normal FW tool, with extra cutouts to save weight (at my request).
  3. Hello everyone, here are some pics from K-124 Days. I have plenty of riding pics but still need to check all those... Any questions, just ask! Cheers! Adam
  4. AdamR28


    If that's the upgrade I think it is (pretty sure it will be from what I have been told) then that could actually be the case... We are talking 15-17% less weight and massively increased high speed functionality on a major aerodynamic component, leading to around 0.1 second per lap gain in pace...
  5. AdamR28

    What Pads?

    When we are finally 100% happy with the compound... got some very awesome stuff now so we are getting close...!
  6. You're lucky I've been fast with emails this morning or you'd have been waiting a long time for that reply!
  7. And there's only half an hour left
  8. AdamR28

    J9 - March 2009

    Very impressive, can definitely see the improvement from her last vid! This is meant to be a compliment so I hope it's not taken the wrong way, haha, but Janine 'looks' like a bloke when riding which most other female riders don't... Really cool.
  9. I have... need to sell it...
  10. Was awesome on both my DOB and Hoesel, even with 15mm of spacers and high rise bars!
  11. Aitch and Zed. Zee in the USA. 'Haitch' really gets on my nerves!!
  12. Meeting at Tarty is ok, spoke to Hudson yesterday. To enter the comp: http://www.k-124.com/k124days/index.php?op...999&lang=en Below is a list of essential items that you will need to bring on the trip (this is not meant to be an exhaustive list, just the basics): - Passport - E111 medical card and/or travel insurance - Prescribed medicine - Small amount of spending money for lunchtime, snacks, parts etc. - Emergency contact details - Bike, helmet and riding gear! - Casual clothes - Toiletries and a towel - Phone and charger (with international adapter) Cheers Ads
  13. http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?produc...category_id=512
  14. See you there Saturday morning I think, oh and for the street ride in Paris on Friday Hotels and dorms for the win
  15. (Insert blatant advertising). They should be under £200.
  16. Assuming you guys want picking up at Preston, and the rest of the guys at Purfleet and/or Ashford: Itinerary: Thursday: 7am - Preston, Jon, Collect 2 customers 11am-11:30am - Purfleet Station, Jon and Malcolm, TBC customers (4 hours drive time, 30mins at location) 12:30-1:00pm - Ashford, Jon and Malcolm, TBC customers (1 hour drive time, 30mins at location) 1:30pm - Channel Tunnel, Jon and Malcolm, 7 customers (30 minutes drive time) 1:30 - 3:30pm - Buffer for delays etc. 3:30pm - Latest Checking time 4:20pm - Crossing time 6:20pm - Arrive in France (1 hour time difference) 11pm - Buthiers (4 hours drive time, 30mins break) Sunday: 4pm - Depart Buthiers 8:30pm - Calais (4 hours drive time, 30mins break) 8:30pm-9:50pm - Buffer for delays etc. 9:50pm - Latest checking in time 10:20pm - Crossing Time 11pm - Arrive in the UK (UK clocks change so no time difference) 11:30pm - Ashford, Jon and Malcolm, TBC customers (30 minutes drive time) 12:30am - Purfleet Station, Jon and Malcolm, TBC customers (1 hour drive time) 5am - Preston, Jon, 2 customers (4 hours drive time, 30mins break)
  17. More free time to myself, to do whatever I want with it!
  18. Frame looks cool, we'll of course get some good pics once they are here.
  19. It's the standard rim from the 2009 Koxx and YaaBaa rear bikes but I have cut one wall out. Try-All Carbon risers
  20. Well they are CNCd to give the shape, but I think the Yaabaa 1499 bikes do come with two black instead of one black and one silver... I will change the site now, cheers.
  21. Yes - the 799 is a 26" wheel version. Yeah, that's with a 392 back end and 45mm offset forks. This is 385 rear end and 35mm offset fork I think the BB may be a little higher than 10mm (15 or 20mm maybe) from the pics, but will measure when they arrive. And yes, disc only.
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