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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. But you would get a better tensioner with the Rohloff, so...
  2. Yeah, it's a QuickTime file. If you left click you';ll need to get the latest version of QuickTime browser plugin, or you can right click and save to your PC, then play with VLC Media Player.
  3. Yeah, it puts down a bigger contact patch... Off road though... fail! Nice document though
  4. Yeah, sorry, we close at 5. You've got email
  5. Fire us an email with your surname, postcode and order number (if you have it) and I'll message back asap
  6. At the level that the bike is aimed, riders can tell the difference quite easily. Stem: You *could* use it on a mod but the geo would be terrible... there is a mod version which will be available soon.
  7. If you click 'Show Guide' in the grey bar on any of the hub categories on our site it will also explain
  8. He'll probably find out in 2-3 weeks...
  9. Drilling the head of the bolt off also sometimes works too (leaving you a 'stub' to get some pliers on to get the last bit out).
  10. Around 2 weeks from now. Well we went there but she was only allowed in the bar area (and yeah, the food was mental posh given the style of the pub), so we went to another one about 45 mins away (Ali's idea ) which was shut! Then went to one in Hebden which sucked; we paid for an all you can eat buffet, after we asked for our second helping they rubbed off the 'all you can eat' from the board!!
  11. They fit on most hubs, but some (especially with burrs from old sprockes) can cause problems, this issue is listed on our site. Got your email, cheers, replying now, it's just a simple chain tensioner setup issue, 5 mins to fix
  12. Yo Kev, Sounds like most/all of those parts have come from us... seems a REALLY strange issue, certainly not heard of compatibility problems with those parts before. Any chance you could email over a few fairly detailed pics of your setup and I'll take a look? Which rear hub do you have? Cheers Adam
  13. Prototype Ribos, we will have some production models (in a less garish colour) shortly
  14. Hello all, A few snaps from Shipley Glen yesterday, hope you like. Your photographer and our entertainer for the day, Claire and Lucy. Thanks for the pics Claire! Random shot of Lucy (who wasn't allowed in the pub afterwards, boo!) Mark sidehop to hooky thing. Me with the same, no correction hops in between... ... and no Photoshop on this computer so 2 pics instead of them being merged into one. Gap to hook then attempting to go over but lack of mod ground clearance fail. Gap over scary drop, can't see from the pic but I think it's ~15ft down. Gap up to front, again looks lame but nearly gave myself a hernia with this one Drop to two wheels, then pigeon to rear, then poo my pants and fall off backwards down the hill Sidehop with reasonable drop if not made. Thanks also to Mark for letting us borrow a lens, definitely a lifesaver given the dingy lighting! Cheers Adam
  15. In my experience, all aerosol disc brake cleaners are rubbish for trials unfortunately (
  16. Bit off topic now, but... in a Magura, if the fluid (blood or otherwise) prevents the rubber seal from making contact with cylinder bore (thus 'lubricating' it), the brake will leak... so... theoretically, neither fluid will actually lubricate the system? Thus making water fine to use?
  17. LOL, definitely 32 plain gauge 175s 142g, brass 14mm nipples 1g each.
  18. Yes, add a few drops of anti-freeze (the stuff you put in a car in winter to stop the water cooling from freezing) to the water and it will help a lot
  19. Different state of matter = not really comparable as gravel reduces the friction by a totally different mechanism.
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