Yeah, that was a 2.2 model: (Yeah, that's an Atomz, but same setup on his Coust)
A 2.4'll never fit with 18:16, but I have seen it run (with rubbing under hard pedalling) on 18:15.
Keep an eye on those caliper bolts dude... They will work loose very fast as there are so many spacers.
Personally I would sacrifice a bit of 'frame squishing' to have a few less spacers in there, or put the majority of the spacers on the drive side if you can.
Pretty sure Rob had a Monty hub in his - you can squeeze the frame in a bit and it should be fine, but ideally a 'proper' 116mm hub is the best solution...
Website looks nice, clean, modern
Found a small typo on the homepage though under your SEO section (I think, just doesn't seem to read right?): A Beautiful website is nothing unless people see it, that’s why every website I build are not only designed well but are optimised for search engines.
Nah, the last one is perfectly crisp, 2nd to last one a little soft but certainly not out of focus (click for 100% crop, they have been stretched to fit the forum).
Cheers for the comments anyway guys, appreciated, glad you like the photos!