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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. http://www.conti-tyres.co.uk/conticycle/ti%20rubberqueen.shtml http://www.conti-tyres.co.uk/conticycle/technical_safety.shtml#blackchili
  2. That's a 35mm fork, the bike is 1095, +55, 71.0.
  3. Just seems to be a 'plain' sidewall...
  4. Haha, they've only been up a couple of mins, so it's not your eyesight ;-)
  5. Zing: http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?product_id=10725&category_id=33
  6. Yeah, that was a 2.2 model: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/media/kdays09/21.jpg (Yeah, that's an Atomz, but same setup on his Coust) A 2.4'll never fit with 18:16, but I have seen it run (with rubbing under hard pedalling) on 18:15.
  7. Nah you can't, not without some issues... It's available in 2.2" now, we got some today
  8. AdamR28

    Rockman Bikes News

    http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?product_id=11163&category_id=14 Don't think they will be doing a booster, sorry.
  9. Keep an eye on those caliper bolts dude... They will work loose very fast as there are so many spacers. Personally I would sacrifice a bit of 'frame squishing' to have a few less spacers in there, or put the majority of the spacers on the drive side if you can.
  10. Cheers man... here you go: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/media/matlockaddinghamfeb10/stangap.jpg
  11. Carl - Monty cranks? A pedal washer or two should help out with that
  12. Ozzy - guess so! But when you take into account all the English-speaking riders in the world, there are quite a few.

  13. Pretty sure Rob had a Monty hub in his - you can squeeze the frame in a bit and it should be fine, but ideally a 'proper' 116mm hub is the best solution...
  14. It's not, there was a sign on the gate saying no motorbike practicing
  15. Website looks nice, clean, modern Found a small typo on the homepage though under your SEO section (I think, just doesn't seem to read right?): A Beautiful website is nothing unless people see it, that’s why every website I build are not only designed well but are optimised for search engines. Cheers Adam
  16. Yeah man, spill the beans!! The mod suits you, how are you liking it?
  17. Nah, the last one is perfectly crisp, 2nd to last one a little soft but certainly not out of focus (click for 100% crop, they have been stretched to fit the forum). Cheers for the comments anyway guys, appreciated, glad you like the photos!
  18. Haha yep, well funny. He didn't take any bullshit from me during my project either Oh and I LOVE the Fans frame! Stiff, light, good design, great geo.
  19. A Frenchie isn't a Frenchie if you use the front brake or go sideways. Grosenick is king!
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