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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. You could just solve it using the steps I put above
  2. That's all the colours, 11 is enough (TR rims are in Fluro too so that's where the 14 comes in). It's grey (gunmetal stylee, so not a 'plain' grey).
  3. A fair few of the new bits should be, yes.
  4. Yeah, that is true. Notice that the guy in the video was the managing director though, the owner was nowhere to be seen... An interesting watch anyway, strange to think that we were up against them in the BikeBiz awards the last 2 years
  5. Ali got one as soon as they came out, that's 11 months I think.
  6. If you follow the steps I put above, it will solve the problem... (Sorry for bump, just had to search for this thread for a customer and thought I'd add another reply).
  7. AdamR28


    No worries! Ask away if you wanna know anything else... I don't think there's any seating/access to grass banks, but you can roam about in a reasonably relaxed way on Friday/Saturday from what I remember... Sunday is a bit more strict though. In the 5th photo I posted, they have seats sunk into the concrete levels, you can't really go on the grass.
  8. It will work, but won't work as well as the 'correct' disc for that brake.
  9. AdamR28


    Yeah that's the one - was a combined Xmas present from a few family members but I *think* the ticket was £210 for the complete weekend... That was roaming on Friday and Saturday so we sat in the grandstand at the complex (the most expensive race day seats), then Sunday was fixed seating at the braking zone for Abbey. Not sure what tickets will cost this year, but they are online available to buy via the link you posted above. Edit: Looks like about £135 for the Sunday... The noise is absolutely phenominal, you really need to be there to experience it, I couldn't stand even one car going past without some form of ear protection. When a load of cars go past in a group it's so mental... At one point I counted 46 helicopters within my sight which was stupid, haha. Lots of early mornings, dodgy bus rides and horrendous traffic but a really good weekend overall, just looking back through the photos made me remember how cool it was! (All these are straight off the camera so apologies for any dodgy framing/cropping/levels) If you can save enough cash I don't think you'll be disappointed
  10. AdamR28


    Woooo I wanna go again... but sooo expensive
  11. Check the second picture, you curl the end of the spoke away from the chain a little so it guides in smoothly.
  12. http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?product_id=10754&category_id=31
  13. Get spoke, bend, run against chain http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/media/matlockaddinghamfeb10/spoke1.jpg http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/media/matlockaddinghamfeb10/spoke2.jpg
  14. AdamR28


    200, or a new post-IS adaptor and you can then run your 180 rotor.
  15. AdamR28


  16. AdamR28


  17. We're talking about internal headsets here I think, the Monty Internal headset is chuffing light (100g including top cap etc), definitely lighter than the Onza, but not really worth changing unless you are on some crazy weight mission.
  18. Never seen the 'hub mod' done, there's not really enough meat in the bolts...
  19. Yes, 0.5mm each side - or a new hub.
  20. International standard for MTBs is 9mm (which is what the Trialtechs are). The Echo bolts are 10mm which is where the issue lies... In the past we have seen people remove a bit of meat from the dropouts on the fork, that worked perfectly. As long as it's neat it won't void the warranty either, Dave is aware of the problems with Echo hubs and understands that it may need to be done.
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