Yeah that's the one - was a combined Xmas present from a few family members but I *think* the ticket was £210 for the complete weekend... That was roaming on Friday and Saturday so we sat in the grandstand at the complex (the most expensive race day seats), then Sunday was fixed seating at the braking zone for Abbey. Not sure what tickets will cost this year, but they are online available to buy via the link you posted above. Edit: Looks like about £135 for the Sunday...
The noise is absolutely phenominal, you really need to be there to experience it, I couldn't stand even one car going past without some form of ear protection. When a load of cars go past in a group it's so mental... At one point I counted 46 helicopters within my sight which was stupid, haha.
Lots of early mornings, dodgy bus rides and horrendous traffic but a really good weekend overall, just looking back through the photos made me remember how cool it was! (All these are straight off the camera so apologies for any dodgy framing/cropping/levels)
If you can save enough cash I don't think you'll be disappointed