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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. This trip sounds very tempting...
  2. I don't know if that's just a coincidence... but...
  3. Nah, not this year. Was down at the Moore Large seminar yesterday, all the bikes are pretty impressive! A couple of price rises but it's easy to see where the upgrades have been made (sealed rear hubs on the Blade upwards, for example). Got a few photos that'll you'll be able to find online at some point today hopefully. Ads
  4. Can I get some 3D glasses to go with that
  5. Oops, missed this thread til now, sorry... Cheers for the photo - as has been said, it looks like a setup issue. The chain line won't be causing the skipping so don't worry about that. Try taking a link or two out and that should solve it, try and get the chain more like this: http://tartybikes.co.uk/images/bikes24/large_inspiredteam1.jpg If you still have issues there is one final thing you can do and that will 100% sort it, although it does require a quick modification to your tensioner. Let us know how you get on Ads
  6. T10, T25. Get an allen key-type set if you can, you can't get enough torque for rotor bolts with just a screwdriver, and it'll work out better value that way anyway
  7. Both Mark and I prove that theory wrong, haha (although I wondered myself if that was a 'general' rule)
  8. There will have been a 'Spoke Length Information' slip in your order, showing you which spokes went on which side and also which crossing to build them
  9. Right, I think that's all emails sent out... Time to go home! Cheers, Adam
  10. Don't worry, I won't be going home tonight til it's sorted Robin - got your application, thanks.
  11. Hello everyone, We've made a decision regarding the riders we'll be supporting for the coming year and will be sending emails round this afternoon. The full line-up will be announced on Monday. Cheers! Adam
  12. Not really... I think most stuff at that price will be pretty similar, so just get something from a reputable shop so if you do have a problem somewhere down the line it can be sorted out.
  13. Don't... 1) There is no grease in it (they come with light oil to lubricate the pawls and springs) 2) That will void your warranty If you can get a video of it skipping, or some photos of your setup that would be helpful. We've sold hundreds of these and not once seen a single problem with them, so as Anal said it is unlikely to be the freewheel... However, if it is, it can be replaced under warranty (as long as you don't mess with it!). Cheers Adam
  14. As Mark said on the phone, Onza have none in stock.
  15. In that it's mineral fluid and won't kill the seals, yes. In that it will make your brake feel pretty sluggish and a bit manky... also yes.
  16. More than 45 with the other wheels on.
  17. Sorry for the bump... the clamps have a 6 month warranty, so if you are their first owner send them back and we should be able to swap them Ads
  18. Still ride there every now and again, also Heysham and Lancaster (rarely)... Not many riders around there now though
  19. I've never seen a set of Echo SL clamps break...?
  20. That's because it's also a biomechanical fact They certainly do, awesome clamps....
  21. Yeah, nobody seems to make a white hub in 'proper' 116 The Reinforced is quite a lot tougher, if you don't care about weight I would go with that!
  22. Here's how I do it: http://tartybikes.co.uk/media.php?group=guides&id=3
  23. Neither of those in the UK
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