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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Glad you got it sorted Spoke chart for the win
  2. I'm not sure how it can bed in within 2 hours, so I would recommend not riding trials on it for a bit to let the grease work around, then it will work much better. Hopefully nothing will be damaged.
  3. AdamR28

    Atomz 2010 Range

    That's a 20", for info...
  4. AdamR28


    Pretty much We did try that copy in 2 different PCs, so it's really strange... Please do send it back and I'll take a few copies home tonight to try in DVD player and Xbox if you like (as well as the PCs here)?
  5. AdamR28


    Haha, cheers dude! Enjoy
  6. AdamR28


    Yeah, works fine on all the PCs here with VLC, give that a bosh! Worked on my 'normal' DVD player too
  7. Just over an hour, it's cut pretty tight though, there isn't much filler at all, just loads of riding! It was filmed on a video camera
  8. Almost all of them are done themselves, or by friends who film. Hence there being a lot of 'unknown' riders out there because their friends aren't too into filming, and scenes where there's dedicated filmers/photographers having more sponsored riders. Most filmers/riders just do it for themselves though without getting paid. It's just seen as being the flip-side to sponsorship. Equally, poorly done BMX videos get totally ripped online usually. /\ By Mark
  9. AdamR28


    Go Lewis! Fastest so far (still well over an hour of P2 left though, haha).
  10. AdamR28

    Onza Zoot!

  11. AdamR28

    New Hs33 Brake

    Haha, they are pretty impossible to overtighten, and it can't 'pop off the end of the thread' like the current system, so you should be fine The pin is pressed in, so I'm assuming the cover actually has a function since the pin might come a bit loose after a lot of use. Nothing a nut and bolt or superglue couldn't sort out though!
  12. AdamR28

    New Hs33 Brake

    All the parts are metal, apart from the bit you grip with your fingers to turn. Anyone who breaks a new TPA is officially a 'tard
  13. AdamR28

    New Hs33 Brake

    Couple more photos... The bleed system is a little different to current, should be easier to do though. Instructions are in the manual with the brakes (page 14 and 15).
  14. Got a link to the listing? That caliper and lever combination was never available together, since the pistons in the trials brake do NOT like heat (therefore shouldn't be used on an XC/DH bike)
  15. AdamR28

    New Hs33 Brake

    The cylinders are identical to the HS33. Yes - it seems the HS11 is better suited to trials riders.
  16. AdamR28

    New Hs33 Brake

    A few hours ago: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?product_id=11390
  17. AdamR28

    New Hs33 Brake

    Pretty sure you could do that, yep, but not sure how hard it is until I've had a good play with one... It's a pin now (not a bolt) so might be a pain to swap.
  18. Is that taking into account the heavier chain you need for the TNN setup?
  19. AdamR28

    New Hs33 Brake

    At least a few weeks, probably almost the same as a complete brake (the Evo adaptor kit supplied with the HS11 brake is £43.80 RRP - the full brake is £59 ).
  20. Good plan dude! We don't plan to (they are about £80...) but could probably special order them if you give us a ring.
  21. I'm around 90% sure you won't be able to run anything larger than 160 on the Kamel frame without (huge, flexy, heavy, horrible) adaptors. In my experience, it won't be worth trying as either running a 160 (underpowered) or using a 180/200 (flexy) will leave you disappointed
  22. That's because your rotor was at least 30mm too small
  23. Quick one - the roads around here are total gridlock, so if you try and call early this morning it's unlikely you'll get an answer... but please keep trying! I hope we'll be able to get started around 10 if the traffic clears...
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