Fashion over function on this one I think! haha. I guess Mark doesn't want/need hits from search engines and (apart from one guy I know of) there are no trials riders who need the text to be scaled up.
To be fair it just looks like a mock up, since there's no way of holding that one onto the crank...
Cranks = Middleburn say it needs new tooling for enough meat for threads. I said they could just take a bit more meat off the end of the arm, but they weren't happy with that so the idea got canned.
Bashring = not from tooling, so they can make any size without much trouble at all.
Yeah, but that's the trials business
Yao used to work for Deng, but apparently when he left he 'stole' a lot of his business contacts, allowing him to start up the ZHI brand. That's the reason for the problems I guess..
This - but not quite as you said. I don't know all the ins and outs and history behind the 'conflict', but we once got some ZHI stuff in stock and were told that we wouldn't be getting any more Echo stuff if the ZHI parts didn't disappear off the site...
Nah, we've sold them to singlespeed riders too - in fact a guy bought another one for his second bike the other day to replace the ENO that's on there currently. First one is 2 years old and still going
In my opinion there is a pretty big difference between 'only 3 have ever broken' in April 2011 and 'we've only heard of 3 broken so far' about a year ago - but yeah, if you only look at the numbers that's what I said...
I think I said that the first batch was 3000 (sold worldwide) and we'd only heard of 3 failures to that point - of course we don't hear of every single trials item that breaks though! Was a fair while ago mind you!
Pretty sure nobody here has even said that, but please feel free to show me where if I'm wrong!
% wise, they are definitely the best, and the engagement is always very positive.
When things are new, they're often pretty tight so won't slip on all the way. Once you ride everything will bed in a bit and they should slide on a little further - just keep an eye on them and keep them tight
A bit of grease might not go amiss too?
EDIT: This was Mark on Adam's computer, btw...
Yep, it's integrated into the site.
I'll have a look when I'm at work Depending on how many emails we have it may take a day or two to get back to you, fastest way to get a reply is by phone