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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Phil Williams - Judd Trump? Or mainly the hair...?
  2. No, but my point is that to get that brake working again, you'll need to spend at least £35 and a fair bit of time bleeding it yourself anyway. Might as well send it off for the service. Guess you would need the £20 rotor PLUS the £45 service - my maths/brain fail
  3. Rotor: £20. Pads: £15. That's how much you'll need to spend to get the brake 75% there. I'd pay the extra tenner to have it spot on! At least if something goes wrong in the near future you have some comeback...
  4. Jack's using alloy forks. The black ones aren't being recalled.
  5. And stainless bearings, which is the reason for the price increase.
  6. Forgot about silly putty! Does seem quite similar now you have said...
  7. Trialtech and V!Z are both reliable on the back. Trialtech more engagements, V!Z cheaper - your choice!
  8. Yep, perfectly reliable on the rear
  9. #5 caliper. Yes, a +20 adaptor makes the brake feel a bit poo.
  10. That's what I thought... to be expected.
  11. No worries Make sure you get a 3-dayer (even if you are only staying for 2 - only £4 extra) as you'll get a free T and free burger with it!
  12. Tickets are all on the gate Mini kickers were 'Ali C Approved' yesterday
  13. It's not a hard shell - see video above.
  14. http://www.google.co.uk/#sclient=psy&hl=en&site=&source=hp&q=where+can+i+buy+d3o&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&fp=7ad411c92de95397
  15. Aye, d3o: That was pretty silly looking back - I hadn't tested it with a gentle hit before going ahead with the video
  16. Had a bit of a bash at making some kit on Saturday - massive thanks to Simon at The Oak Frame Company for letting us use his stuff, plus 'Skinny Dave', Matt and my dad for lending a hand too The two kickers we have some far will form part of a larger fun box which will also have two flat landing ramps (which will also be useful as flat banks) - I'll do some doodles to help explain soon! Also going to make a flat bank with a rail across half of the top of it, plus we've got some mini-kickers which should be useful for ramping up stuff. We're running pretty tight on time but if there is anything small that you would like too just shout! Anyway, pics... Our workspace for the day - amazing place! Matt and Dave marking out the sides for the ramps Mini-kicker side bits Taking shape... If you see this sight in future, don't go near!! Nailgun-equipped madman on the rampage! Ply on top, nearly there... Testing! Mini kickers (got 2 of the larger ones, will test in the coming wheels and tweak if necessary) What we have so far - other ramp needs ply on top of course! And here's one Matt and Dave made last week... Expect to see Ali C backflipping off this
  17. Nah, that's the whole point of the helicoil, it goes back to M5 thread. Time serts look bombproof, however is there enough meat in the brake mounts? Plus, if you are ripping a helicoil out, you are seriously doing it wrong!
  18. As said right from the start, the date was always going to be the same as the Woodfest - so we can't do anything about any clashes unfortunately. That sounds pretty spot on, although we've only got a day to make them... Don't suppose you have any photos of your setup? Sketches would be equally awesome, although I understand they will probably take you a fair while to do! We can infer the rest of the dimensions from the height of 2' you see Thanks!
  19. Dropgap to sidehop = winner (all 3 versions)! Bail = Unlucky dude
  20. Plenty of space if you want to bring a biggun! The bike storage last year was a big barn, but I'm not sure what it'll be like this year (see below) - Matt may see this and know though We won't have a shop as such, but I'll bring a few 'staple' items (chains, tubes, grips) for emergencies - I must stress that this weekend is meant to be a chill out weekend though, not running the shop in a more stressful way in a different location! Related news: Hopefully gonna be heading off to the site this weekend to grab some photos and make some ramps/kickers - let me know what you people (realistically!!) would like
  21. Most people will be camping if last year is anything to go by Been a busy morning on the Tarty Days front, we now have some more confirmed riders... Andrei Burton and Rick Koekoek are at a competition in the Netherlands on Saturday, but are travelling up to Tarty Days to join us on the Sunday and Monday! Andrei: Rick (check out the dropgap at the end of the first vid! ): I have also just booked flights for ex-Multiple World Champion and Current World Top 10 (in both 20" and 26"!) Aurélien Fontenoy! He will be around all weekend, taking part in the demos and just chilling out/riding with everybody. I think we need to set up a gap and sidehop competition
  22. 30 days until Tarty Days 2011! Tees have been ordered I'll post a few pics up when they are here.
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