Had a bit of a bash at making some kit on Saturday - massive thanks to Simon at The Oak Frame Company for letting us use his stuff, plus 'Skinny Dave', Matt and my dad for lending a hand too
The two kickers we have some far will form part of a larger fun box which will also have two flat landing ramps (which will also be useful as flat banks) - I'll do some doodles to help explain soon! Also going to make a flat bank with a rail across half of the top of it, plus we've got some mini-kickers which should be useful for ramping up stuff.
We're running pretty tight on time but if there is anything small that you would like too just shout!
Anyway, pics...
Our workspace for the day - amazing place!
Matt and Dave marking out the sides for the ramps
Mini-kicker side bits
Taking shape...
If you see this sight in future, don't go near!! Nailgun-equipped madman on the rampage!
Ply on top, nearly there...
Mini kickers (got 2 of the larger ones, will test in the coming wheels and tweak if necessary)
What we have so far - other ramp needs ply on top of course!
And here's one Matt and Dave made last week... Expect to see Ali C backflipping off this