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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Awesome riding, line at 2:20 onwards is a lot higher/scarier than it looks on the vid!
  2. Drive an F1 car at a 'proper' F1 circuit (not one of these crappy experiences where you don't even get out of 2nd gear). One day...
  3. Serious reply: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=133005&view=findpost&p=1833501
  4. That's what I've found too. I've found the opposite to this - the superlight rotors always feel flexy to me, and they seem to 'un bed in' the pads as they scrub so much off.
  5. I've got a 'standard' Sensation, really like it.
  6. Didn't realise this got made, fair play - good stuff! What's the weight of the lugs separately? And tubing? And bolts? How tricky was it to assemble? Lots of jiggling and waggling I bet! Definitely an interesting project, look forward to seeing where it goes
  7. You have a bigger dic? (sic)
  8. 100% agree - same with all tools!
  9. AdamR28

    16:9 Or 4:3

    That would work great for videos that are 95% sidehops!
  10. Spend your £40, but get the one with the longest warranty you can find for when it breaks
  11. The hub/axle is the same as all 20mm bolt through systems, but I'm not sure any of the 'off the shelf' QR style axles would fit in the fork dropout (in terms of thread pitch and the tapers on the axle that are there to keep everything tight).
  12. Haven't heard of any plans to make your dream a reality, but you never know I guess..!
  13. Yeah, I meant the original price. For £40 it will do as a stop-gap, but won't last.
  14. The clue is in the price...
  15. They're the same rim.
  16. That was the fake clear ones, cheap poop from Taiwan, not at all associated with Chris Russ.
  17. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/about_us.php (Yep, needs updating!) That sounds like a plan! Ooooh... *heads off to market to find such an app*
  18. Gav already does that anyway...
  19. Hmm. Hard to tell from that pic, but looks ok providing you can get it chased through.
  20. Yeah, no moustache-shaving for a month. The rest is fine, the idea is to end up with a stupid moustache basically http://uk.movember.com/ Gav's will be so bushy it'll be hosting a small family of bird's after that time, should be interesting! We can't take donations through our site, the justgiving site is set up specifically for that to make sure 100% of it goes to the charity. They take Paypal too. Ali - look forward to seeing what you create
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