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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. They are the same as Rockman Greens.
  2. AdamR28


    Not any more he doesn't - him and Gav look about 5 years younger today!
  3. I am guess the fact that you can access that page without cracking the code means that someone has just found the URL? Or Rich is really good
  4. In my experience... stronger, lighter, cheaper. Win.
  5. As long as it's caustic it should work, if not you can get a tub of granules from B&Q for a few quid (enough to strip bloody loads of stuff).
  6. Anodised. Sanding will take longer and look worse than caustic soda
  7. Neat job: lathe. Bodge job: hacksaw and file.
  8. It's completely the wrong stuff, don't waste your evening!
  9. Thanks a lot dude, hope your mate's has been caught early enough for good treatment
  10. Update! You may have noticed no photos of Stan or Mark... They have had plenty of abuse over the last few weeks for pussying out Mark has donated a hefty wedge though, so props to him! http://www.justgiving.com/tartybikes-movember
  11. You should do this instead, much better:
  12. This is handy too, since you can take into account headset spacers: http://alex.phred.org/stemchart/Default.aspx
  13. Yeah, Samsung stuff is pretty decent in my experience too (LCD TV, maybe 3 or 4 monitors through the years, DVD player broke after a couple of years though).
  14. Just depends what Koxx do, pretty much
  15. Can't remember exactly, but here you go! http://fwd.channel5.com/gadget-show/videos/challenge/budget-bedroom-tvs http://www.google.co.uk/#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&source=hp&q=hannspree+SV28LMNB&pbx=1&oq=hannspree+SV28LMNB&aq=f&aqi=g-s1g1g-s2&aql=&gs_sm=s&gs_upl=810l810l0l2195l1l1l0l0l0l0l116l116l0.1l1l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=4490b66f1f36cf5d&biw=1280&bih=934 http://www.ebuyer.com/279821-hannspree-sv28lmmb-1080p-full-hd-sv28lmmb?utm_source=google&utm_medium=products&gclid=CMq1prbSz6wCFYYPfAodCU11qQ The Gadget Show is mostly bollocks nowadays (apart from perving at Pollyanna), but that seems a legit good TV for the cash.
  16. Pretty sure the Gadget Show had a TV shootout this week, I seem to remember a Hannspree won at £200 for 32", HD, plenty of inputs, etc. Do you want inbuilt freeview and DVD player?
  17. I like to think personal and business are two different things
  18. Personally would always use a water bleed (with anti freeze) in a hydro rim brake, but can't be seen to recommend it 'professionally'.
  19. Done it, works fine, nothing wrong with anti-freeze/water though and it's a lot less effort.
  20. Sweet - if it's brand new, it won't have the QR inserts; if it's used, it might!
  21. U shudv usd spel chek m8!! (I am fully aware it wouldn't have picked that up - irony).
  22. AdamR28


    Good point about the last lap thing Dave... I'm still unsure whether it's the car or the driver, he hasn't really had chance to prove himself this year IMO, because of never really having to pass anyone.
  23. AdamR28


    Ditto - that would be awesome. I think for a single lap the order of the drivers would be different to a stint - Hamilton can drive a car to the ragged edge, but Button is kinder to the tyres over 10-15 laps, if you get me. Think Vettel must be fairly quick too as he generally ends up a fair bit ahead of Webber, but hard to say given the car he's in...
  24. Unless it's already got the HD axle and QR inserts, in which case it's just a pair of bolts... Hence my first question A photo would confirm!
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