Thanks for the comments - glad you have enjoyed using it!
It would be possible, but it's not something we had envisaged would be required (and it would be pretty complex to add in). You can always have the 'normal' website open in a separate tab
Personally I would say 3% is pretty reasonable, especially when the wheelbuilds and bike build are free too (about £100's worth). So, on your average £1000 build, that's about 13% discount effectively.
Also, when you say 'dealing with big major brands', that immediately means your experience is almost irrelevant (sorry if that came out harsh, it wasn't meant to! But that is the reality of it - trials stuff is nothing like normal MTB stuff when it comes to margins, distribution, pricing, etc).
That was considered but it's just too difficult to write a system that would take care of every little idiosyncrasy like that unfortunately. We can manually sort the frame kit out, for the brakes you can purchase two singles.
Thanks dude!