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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Someone else has two spare as well, so we can defo sort something. Want me to give em to George? If it's easier for you to grab them at the gate fire me your number by email (tarty email address is good - I have my forum PMs turned off, sorry) and I'll give you a shout to arrange. Cheers!
  2. That's cos horses suck Anyway - no probs Paul. Looks like a couple of the guys will have spare tickets with them, but they don't use the forum I asked on... We'll get them to you somehow!
  3. I'm easy either way gents - maybe split the tickets between groups, so everyone gets in for half price effectively? I'll give them to George to sort it Edit: I'll check if anyone else has tickets still spare...
  4. I'll let you guys fight it out between you haha Paul - if you are having them, fire us an email with your number, I'll need to come down to the gate with the tix as I doubt they will arrive in time by post... I'm there from about 10:30am Sunday if that's alright? Saturday is 2CV 24hr race until ~11am Sunday, Sunday is mostly qualifying sessions, then Monday is the racing. Timetable here: http://www.barc.net/images/stories/HQ_1230_SN252708.pdf I'm told the truck racing is well worth sticking around for!
  5. Yeah of course, don't cost me anything so they are of course free! Just shout if you need em, had no other takers and don't want them going to waste
  6. Well the topic was always going to get answered, and quickly, so I don't see the harm in a joke? It wasn't as if it was nasty or even aimed at you... A great man once said that you can get delirious if you take life too serious. Well, I say great, he was a joke contestant on the x factor who used to be a goat farmer But I agree with the sentiment. Edit, in case something wasn't clear, it was a play on the word seaman, which was a typo for semen, obviously. Hence why I quoted that chaps post rather than directly replying to the topic.
  7. Late notice, but if anyone wants some free tickets to watch racing at Snetterton this Saturday, Sunday and Monday let me know, got 2 going spare trucks, saloons, MX5s...
  8. People wearing oilskin jackets and sou'westers? Weird. (Sorry, couldn't resist, it put such a funny image in my head!)
  9. https://www.google.com/search?q=crown+race+installation+tool&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=KN80UNCmKMbI0QWo14GQBg&biw=1280&bih=934&sei=Kt80UOifBouY0QX46oGwCA http://www.cyclingdeal.com.au/assets/full/SC-915.jpg
  10. The tension provided by the chain tensioner is nowhere near the tension applied to the chain when you stomp on the pedals - trust me, the chain tensioner does not make a difference in terms of your chain snapping.
  11. The chain length won't make a difference. The KHE lasted cos it's a very strong chain, when I had 16t up front it was the only chain I could use that didn't break almost instantly. Unfortunately you need a stronger chain or a bigger front ring...
  12. Don't you mean WHEN it breaks? Way too many electronic gadgets for a French car Still does look like a good mile muncher!
  13. Well it's nothing to do with me really - just someone I know sells them, cheap and amazing service. I'll get onto him now George! Edit: Standard 312mm disc yeah?
  14. If you want some well-priced Brembos (HCs would be my recommendation for the DS2500s, none of this drilled, grooved, split in half crap), give me a shout
  15. Bhp/ton is FAR more important than just bhp, you know that Jardo, especially if you want it to handle too.
  16. Yeah bottom up should be fine Put the res cap on before taking syringe off the bottom though.
  17. I realise I am rather late here But the logo design 'only' cost £450,000... And they had 'London 2102' on one of the umpire's chairs for the tennis. Fail.
  18. Pretty much exactly what I got, from memory
  19. Yeah, we only put stuff on the site available to buy if it's in stock.
  20. They aren't available separately unfortunately - try and find someone who has broken one?
  21. I've done one or two, only a small amount of extension though. How much do you think you'll need?
  22. Can't help with the location, but it may well be possible to bung a resistor (you'd need to find out the correct rating, but your local Maplin would have one for pence) across the connector to fool the ECU into thinking there is a sensor there... Off goes the airbag light, MOT gets passed
  23. Gonna keep that one standard too? (I jest...)
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