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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Haha, sorry about that. I did see the photo and think 'jesus, have I got the wrong Dr Dave?'. In car news - been doing quite a lot of work recently (couple of hours a night plus two half days each weekend), getting ready for the 'season'. Nothing hugely exciting but it's been time consuming and satisfying (and never-ending) at the same time! Track day at Cadwell which was due to be on tomorrow has been cancelled, but booked one for next weekend instead. Race car needs a shakedown before first race of the season at Donington, which will be televised (Only MotorsTV but we get a copy of the footage on DVD afterwards which is pretty cool.)
  2. Right. That was a pretty tenuous link I must say!
  3. Sorry, thought that would be easier than me typing it out
  4. http://www.southampton.ac.uk/engineering/about/staff/dwm101.page
  5. Competition now closed! Winner will be revealed on Monday all being well. Thanks for your entries!
  6. In that the cylinder is radial? That's all though
  7. Because you think Dave is wrong? I'm fairly sure he could 'out aerodynamics' anyone on this forum...
  8. Sweet, cheers. I am guessing by the 'in theory' bit, you mean that you have to do it right or it can have the opposite effect
  9. Is it true that they also clean up the airflow off the back of the car, thus reducing turbulence and therefore drag? And in a lot of 'normal' cars can help to remove the void that's made by the rear bumper and reducing 'parachute' effect?
  10. Using the bearing in the freehub - the earlier pic didn't have it in (hence my post) but looks solid now
  11. Good innit! I was well impressed when I found that out, it's usually much better than the internal search engine on any forum.
  12. Depends if there's enough bearings and room for a lockring
  13. That, or a washer between the hub and frame on the drive side to give a little more space. And turn the cassette spacers right down as far as they'll go before the lockring bottoms out.
  14. - Supplied as a bare shell - all parts (lever blade, piston, spring, all fittings) from a Magura HS33 2005-2010 lever are compatible to make the switch-over to the Racing Line lever body as easy as possible.
  15. That rings a bell - both the name and pricing... The quality of the stuff I saw was awesome.
  16. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=spoke+tensioner&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=XTO&tbo=d&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=+site:trials-forum.co.uk+spoke+tensioner+trials&sa=X&ei=iAQAUd63C6LV0QW_vIDoDA&ved=0CDkQrQIwAA&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41248874,d.d2k&fp=b987864691354c7e&biw=1280&bih=895
  17. Perfectly - we wouldn't have ordered a stock in if they leaked, it would just be setting ourselves up for loads of warranty hassle.
  18. Got a really good contact for this recently, they do the anodising for Renthal, and are based around Manchester. Can I remember who it is? No Bugger.
  19. Ah no, it's cool, just mentioned it in case someone went and bought some K hangers and they didn't fit! Erm, I try, but brain is getting full
  20. It's a Kona style hanger actually, but its really popular too (and stronger than a K hanger)
  21. Yep, we have warrantied a few. They would have gone to Cyclemart, as you got the bike from them? Therefore nothing to do with us as you have been keen to point out in the past.
  22. The amount of tension you can create with the tensioner is nowhere near that when you stomp on the pedals - therefore it doesn't matter IMO, assuming your cranks aren't a complete mess in terms of change in tension (cue dave33 disagreeing with me).
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