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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Nah! I could do it left handed though just in case?
  2. White wheels do look good ... ... For a couple of laps. On a different note, I'd really like to drive your car on track!
  3. I guess I was a little harsh there - anywhere you can pedal your car flat out is going to be fun, but I wish they hadn't made both the chicanes virtually identical, I keep forgetting which bit of the lap we're at when watching the vids, haha. Indeed they do! Guess other tracks (apart from Croft) aren't like that so it's not an issue really...
  4. Bloody 4WD Jap turbo barges... Is Combe as boring as it looks or do all the bumps keep it interesting?
  5. Doing passenger rides this weekend for Westfield at the Total Kit Car Live Show at Blyton Park (https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=Blyton+Park+Driving+Centre,+Kirton+Road,+Gainsborough&hl=en&ll=53.360387,-0.917358&spn=1.363761,2.469177&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=10.810514,19.753418&oq=blyton+park&t=m&hq=Blyton+Park+Driving+Centre,&hnear=Kirton+Rd,+Blyton,+Gainsborough,+United+Kingdom&z=9) - only a fiver to get in and free passenger rides, so not a bad way to spend your Saturday if you're into cars! http://www.totalkitcarlive.com/index.html
  6. They aren't specifically. Trials companies don't release bikes yearly, just as and when they are ready.
  7. Yep it's a catalogue part. Weird how people's experiences of products vary so much......
  8. Looks exactly the same as the viz and rockman 72 to me.
  9. That may work, but you'd need a front chainring or splined sprocket of course! And the smaller the better.
  10. Sounds like your car is too stiff, more body roll = less weight transfer to the outside wheel (therefore more weight on the inside wheel). I can see what you mean, I haven't experienced ABS properly on track though so probably can't comment... Seems like it would feel very odd just mashing the pedal in every braking zone though.
  11. Ah, yes, ice might be the exception - although I find all those systems mostly get too confused in such slippery conditions. What about on track? Surely you must find ABS intrusive?
  12. Truth. Electronic gadgets suck.
  13. Looks like Neon of V!Z or something like that, nothing special anyway. For info, fiber vidrium is Spanish for fibreglass...
  14. Not really, since if you can't use Monty cranks, that's a good thing
  15. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/184258-martyn-ashton-injured/
  16. Bit of a bump... The video guides have been up for a few months now: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trying to do more as and when we can... We are now also offering free UK delivery on orders over £100:
  17. Yeah, too right. Very bad driving that. Car needed a new shell Aye, race license points. Not sure what the threshold is for a ban though...
  18. Indeed. That's the 'other' MX-5 race series, not the one I'm in luckily! He'll have been doing at least 75-80 when he hit the wall there (we raced at that circuit earlier this year). Driver of the orange car got 4 points on his license and is now banned from that series.
  19. Don't worry, keep going, posts in Chit Chat don't count
  20. This recently changed, it's now only £20 http://www.royalmail.com/personal/help-and-support/available-compensation-for-lost-or-damaged-international-items http://www.royalmail.com/personal/help-and-support/available-compensation-for-damaged-and-part-loss-items
  21. Nothing much, it's still a proto.
  22. Red Onza frame is a proto Woodstock I believe, the Blue Inspired with V-Mounts its a kids' frame, like the one Matty Turner is riding at the mo.
  23. Here it is: 25 minutes long - sit down and grab a cuppa! If you want to skip through bits, there's a 'map' on the Vimeo page. Enjoy!
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