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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Chassis looks totally fine - you should see my MX-5 ones We need pics of your new lovely alloys
  2. They (and every other manufacturer) do it in order to almost double the load capacity.
  3. Engine and gearbox out... And bought an MX-5 engine on eBay for £62 - winter project number 2!
  4. I've bought stuff from Babz on eBay before, it's all been toss... Spend a bit more if you can dude. In unrelated news, kit car show at the weekend was pretty good. According to a few people my car / driving was the quickest there which was cool! However, didn't get much track time as I lost 3rd and 4th gear around mid morning engine is stripped and ready to pull out tomorrow night all being well...
  5. Hmm, not really, it's just for easy wheel removal.
  6. We were told they didn't, so haven't investigated that.
  7. Another reason why we got one a few months back to test it before buying in any stock. I don't think the RB issue was due to the lip seal, just poor tolerances or surface finish, as this one has been great.
  8. That was my take on it too - but it seems to work in both these and the Tensile levers (before anyone asks about those, we've been spending some time tweaking them and helping Tensile to re-design a few areas, so they should be available for release in hopefully the not too distant future).
  9. Aah, I didn't realise people would be so mad keen on the alloy piston thing. Good job we ordered plenty after spending a few months testing them, then.
  10. FORTUNATELY I'm not a Manc, like Cap!
  11. I guess you are from Yorkshire, so that figures
  12. I'll check mine out next time it's apart, but they look and feels a lot like a helicoil. Nobody uses a breaker bar on their bike though
  13. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=timesert+kit&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=fflb#channel=fflb&q=m5+timesert+kit&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official Sort of - kit car.
  14. There's loads of them, just search for M5 helicoil kit: http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR7.TRC1.A0.Xm5+helicoil+kit&_nkw=m5+helicoil+kit&_sacat=0&_from=R40 That's weird, some parts on my car are helicoiled from the manufacturer (uprights and brake calipers) and they haven't come out, even with threadlock on the bolt going into them.
  15. What is a correct / suitable application for a helicoil then? I've never seen one break / fail / come out unless the person was doing something wrong. (Looking to learn something here, not get attitude / an aggressive response.)
  16. Prefer spunk to be honest.
  17. They are pretty tricky to fit, poor quality. If you want to use something like this, the Trialtech one is much better. In theory they should make no difference but in reality I have seen a slight improvement in how 'evenly' the cylinders operate.
  18. Tastes shit, does horrible things to you - no thanks.
  19. Probably wouldn't matter in Nick's car, 4th gear everywhere it has so much torque!
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