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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Hopefully! http://andreiburton.com/urban-trial-in-cahors-france/ The Cahors trial has grown massively in the last 3 years and had 91 entries last time: http://www.tribalzine.com/?+Resultats-de-l-Openfree-de-Cahors+
  2. That's fair enough, everyone will see it differently! We are of the opinion there is a direct correlation between the amount of time spent riding your bike and the amount of fun you have though, hence the way the rules are structured. Comps have moved on since you last went I think; toilets, food and socialising is now 'the norm', and it would be easy to arrange with a few mates to stop over and ride the next day (or the day before in the case of comps, as they are held on Sundays). Loads of good venues near Shipley too!
  3. I'm sure you could manage the White gates Ross Cheers dude - good to know it could tempt some oldskool riders out of retirement :wink2: Yeah that is a bit of a trek! Be good to have some dirty Southerners there
  4. Good chain for 99% of riders: Z610HX. If you want something that is daft but won't break: Gusset Tank Chain.
  5. I guess it doesn't have to, but it's the only way the sport will grow - by making it look attractive and therefore making people want to do it. On a personal level I'd rather watch someone actually riding their bike through a section than walking their way through it, too.
  6. Good stuff, that's what we're trying to do. Come and have a go!
  7. Cheers Paul, good to have your input! Yeah, we agree it'd be good to have something more flowing and spectator-friendly. In our opinion the 'classical' format can be a bit slow and the public find it hard to grasp the scoring sometimes. We have some info about the 'crossing' of gates in the full rules, hopefully this makes sense... The rules you ride to between gates depends on the last gate you just completed - so if you have just done a Red you cannot use a pedal to rest, you must ride UCI rules until a Blue (or 'lower') gate has been completed. Once you are through the Blue gate though, you can use your pedals / bashring again until you pass another Red (or higher) gate. At the start of a new section, it will be clear which gate you are attempting and the rules for that colour gate will apply from the start of the section.
  8. The TartyBikes Open Trial A one-off experimental competition using a different scoring system. Similar events have been run before, such as the Cahors Open Free Trial, but never before in the UK as far as we know. It's a competition format which awards points for making gates (so the winner ends up with the most points), rather than having penalty points for dabs. Brief overview of rules / format: - You still have the traditional categories, white through to yellow, but with this system you can ride any colour gates. There are 5 numbered gates of each colour per section, and you attempt up to a maximum of 5 gates, in order. You can pick any colour gates you wish as long as they are done in order. So, for example, you could choose Blue for the first 3 gates, then do a Green, and finish with a Red. - To promote pushing yourself, the scoring is fairly heavily weighted. So, whatever your 'normal' route, you can choose to attempt to double up your score by clearing the next gate up if you wish: White gate = 1 point Green gate = 2 points Blue gate = 4 points Red gate = 8 points Yellow gate = 16 points Here's a graphical representation of that, in case it helps... - White, Green and Blue gates will be run to BIU rules (a pedal touching the floor is ok), Red and Yellow will be UCI rules (only the tyres can touch the floor). - If you dab (either strategic or unintentional) or fall at any point it is a fail and you are 'out', however each gate is a checkpoint so if you've managed to get through 3 gates out the maximum of 5 but then dab, fall or run out of time, the points for those first 3 gates are 'in the bag'. - Time limit of 2:30mins per section, with a 50% 'speed bonus' available if the section is completed in under 1 minute. Again, here's a representation of what could happen if you dab / fall off / run out of time or get the speed bonus: There some are other detailed rules not listed above which may appear fairly complicated, but in reality it ends up pretty simple we think. You can choose to use all of the time available and complete the hardest possible gates, blast through easier ones in an attempt to complete the section in under 1 minute and get the speed bonus, or a mixture of the two! It's designed to be a fun competition and a bit of a tester to see if there is any mileage in such a format, so there will be no formal prizes or presentation, however we will try and have the results compiled on the day so you can see how you got on compared to other riders! The competition will be supported by the BikeTrial Federation, and will run as a standalone (not connected with any trials series) event at Shipley Glen on Sunday 14th September. We will make entry available online in the near future, but for now please shout up with any questions! Thanks everyone.
  9. Haha, that's insane. What are they meant for, a 20 ton dumper truck!?
  10. Just seen this too.... normally there will be a tiny effect on the compression too (I have some damper plots if you wanna see an example) but yeah, mostly rebound damping. To set a start point for your damping, if you 'bounce' the car hard (eg. by jumping on the cage with all your weight) it should rebound to a tiny bit higher ride height than the 'at rest' position, then settle immediately. If it's slow to return or it bounces, you've got too much or too little damping.
  11. Hmm. 180kg/mm can't be right, that's over 10000lbs/in, haha. The stiffest spring I have on any car is 500lb/in. Are they AST springs? Edit: From a bit of Googling of how AST mark their springs, they might be 80N/mm... therefore 8kg/mm, which is ~450lbs, and therefore about 2.15hz wheel rate from your guesstimations.
  12. Hmm, crown races aren't usually compatible between headsets, it is better to change them. Sorry to hear about the accident though, looks pretty nasty
  13. Kinda... Leverage - yes, which is easy, just length of wishbones, shock mounting point and angle of shock. Centre of mass - not essential for spring rates, it's more linked to roll stiffness. Load on each wheel - don't need that, but could be calculated using a basic datalogger with vertican g reading, a zip tie around your shock (to check travel) and the spring rate being used. ARB stiffness should be calculated and considered separately to spring rates as they are doing different jobs. You do need the corner weights and unsprung mass for each corner though, but that again is easy. Plug all the numbers in and you come out with a wheel frequency, which will be somewhere around 1.5-2Hz for your application I reckon (edit: just checked a rallycross forum where a chap said... "In my Rallycross car (no jumps involved), I have tried 2.1Hz, 1.95Hz, 1.85Hz, and now 1.6Hz. Seems like I am going in the softer direction. Stock for my car is somewhere around 1.2Hz."), with ~10% higher rate at the front. My MX-5 is approx 1.8 rear and 2.0 front for reference, and a normal road car would be 1.0-1.2ish. This one helps explain but doesn't have the shock angle, which is important and does need factoring in: http://www.racingaspirations.com/apps/wheel-frequency-calculator I did all this on the kit car last winter and it's totally transformed the car. I also think it's good to have an understanding of these things in case you need to / want to make a change 'in the field'.
  14. Never. What car do you have? Hopefully he wasn't taking the mickey, haha.
  15. It's pretty simple maths - can dig out some links if you like?
  16. Impressive fail on their part... Work out the rates in future, then all they have to do is pick the right number off the shelf
  17. Haven't seen that type before, they should work. We don't have a price or anything for them yet, sorry, I'd rather wait until we are organised...
  18. Sorry for the conflict of info, but I guess Flipp hasn't seen them yet - we had some in the Monty stuff we got recently. They aren't on the site yet though, and I can't say how long it'll be. The best cams if you want good reliability are the Trialtech steel. The spiky washers you posted a pic of, they just crush unfortunately.
  19. Some will - if you have it, worth giving them a shout.
  20. Bit of an oxymoron there :wink2: I've not got any tips other than tagging it onto home insurance, or through BCF: http://www.britishcycling.org.uk/membership/article/bike-insurance
  21. Should being the operative word - there's a back story to this
  22. Function > aesthetics. You're gonna love the tyres Nick! Function > aesthetics. You're gonna love the tyres Nick!
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