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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. Other than they are more resistant to sidewall dents.
  2. Bars upside down test would be universal: 'Whole bike feels horrible, 1 out of 10.'
  3. I agree to an extent - but - the authenticity of such tests is always questionable, bordering on farcical IMO.
  4. Bloody should be for that much
  5. The main thing that I notice is that your front plate is now illegal
  6. I kinda agree - but on the flip side, maybe 'traditional' comps need to move on / implement some fresh ideas (now that riders have options), in order to keep them as interesting as the 'new breed'? You could never make any single form of competition that will appeal to all riders, but it seems the general swing of riders seems to be heading towards taking part in the less formal comps and new formats.
  7. The hub comes with a 3. 10, 6, 5, 3 is what's included.
  8. You can use the one with the lip but it doesn't matter. Cool, if that's too much swap the 5 for the 3...
  9. 2mm over is correct, you need a bit sticking out or the locking won't preload the spacers.
  10. Really nice driving Very satisfying isn't it
  11. Auto? Please don't ruin something like that by giving it 'the lowz' and other stupid modifications
  12. Nearly everybody Two short vids showing 'progress'... September 2012, this was my quickest lap on that day: And from Saturday, which was just one random clear lap I pulled out from the videos, and definitely went quicker than this later on:
  13. Had a few instances where that was the case, decided to warn people off trying it in future to prevent frustration... if you're happy enough to faff around with things to get them to work though, then it will work.
  14. That's kinda the idea. With this system you are never forced into dabbing just to get through a section (which can be the case with 'regular' rules), because you can just ride a different gate. And if you think your 'normal' gate is 'too easy', you can try the harder one. Edit: Don't claim to have invented it, just trying to give people a chance to see if they would enjoy it.
  15. Too many other variables.
  16. Hopefully they don't overtorque the bolts - the T'stat housings on those Zetecs are 'plastic'. Too much torque is what causes them to leak... 'Oh, it's leaking, I'll torque it up some more'... *crack* ... 'Oh, it's leaking even more now, weird'...
  17. You already have one haha
  18. That will definitely be the issue then. Probably need nearly a litre... Haha - yeah, Flipp's was pretty tech!
  19. Excellent. That should do the trick. PS: How much is 'a bit more'?
  20. Oil level high enough?
  21. On the flip side, some people just aren't that great at it and will always feel awkward (like me). There's nothing to say you have to do it, so if you can find someone / a couple of people who're in the same boat as you, you can get all the social contact you need just from a handful of friends. Don't feel like you have to force yourself to be Mr Outgoing Party Guy
  22. Kinda - had to cut the front right of the chassis off to remove the engine...
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