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Everything posted by AdamR28

  1. AdamR28

    Mind the gap

    Nope, bearings don't come loose. Tool: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/tools/echo_spanish_bb_installation_tool/c31p11917.html Latest post: Yep, that's also fine, you will have no problems.
  2. Most boring car thread photo ever?
  3. Don't think that's possible unfortunately
  4. Pretty much. Especially JD. Nah - I agree with him, pretty much...
  5. He's pissed off - sandy vagina
  6. Fine, surprisingly. Earlier on in the day when the track was pretty busy I was a bit iffy with giving it the beans, but at the end with a quiet track (and a Smurf blue car to chase ) it all kinda fell back into place...
  7. Cheers man. Yeah got back into it pretty well I think, that last session in the video really helped to get comfortable with slinging it about. Up at 7, do an hour and a half before work, work til 5, then continue with the car til about 10 - and repeat for about a month
  8. Correct. RBF 600 is very good but £££!
  9. A month ago: Thursday, after a lot of late nights! Yesterday (quite long and boring, but it's Bessell in the blue car, I let him through at 2:15): Happy it all works!
  10. Having done this in the past, I'd say a bit of each is the way to go on that one. It will take a lot of force to bend it, you'll need a big adjustable (12" or so).
  11. Nobody in their right mind would choose snail cams over integrated tensioners IMO.
  12. Try some soapy water between the rim and tyre, and inflate to around 50-60psi, should seat the tyre correctly.
  13. Guess so. However, one of the reasons they cited for NOT helping was that BTUK is currently self-sufficient (with a small surplus)., so it's not like they've have to lob cash at it.
  14. Were you at the AGM this year Kevin? (Sorry, can't remember) Basically they don't care about us at all, and I can't think what could be done to turn that around. Frustrating!
  15. Your penis is weird.
  16. Sorry - I guess my statement was a bit of a generalisation. It wasn't aimed at anyone in particular, especially not you looking at the attention to detail in your build, but the 'bulk' of trials riders.
  17. Yep, we have some on the way.
  18. It's because people want light stuff, but aren't willing to ride accordingly or pay the extra money for it to have been tested / designed well enough to be as strong as the heavier stuff...
  19. Rims dent inwards. The sidewalls face outwards on the Trialtech etc rims, so their shape naturally resists inwards dings.
  20. ^^ Nothing to do with the sidewalls.
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