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Everything posted by Ducko

  1. i might come if there is a near by station and good stuff to ride :P i live in llandudno (N)
  2. *applause* well done there very proud :P
  3. if you have the first video of andy thingy mubob(the american guy) koxx days video at the start it has a slow mo clip of benito ros doing a front hook! i think if you watch this you could see how its done, i no you have to move fast thou :P
  4. my biggest gap is around 7ft amybe a little more average i can do a 6ft not my strong point being honest :P
  5. i have a reasonable amount of experience with frog-dogs but they can be quiet difficult to train after all its frogs not sheep whole diffrent ball game! i do believe there is a school where your animal could be sent and trained to tackle such animals like frogs... www.dogs4frogs.co.uk good luck with that
  6. in relevance to the animal clearing the pen: if a frog can jump 1.5meters using 50N of enegry to do this whilst being enclosed in a pen this will increase adrenaline(10N) and anger(5N) in turn this could end up with the frog being able to jump much higher, one specimen could weigh upto 0.5KG and this would average at 1.5M jumping height and 1M in distance, so... 50N+10N+5N=65N which gives the frog much more power and therefore is a more tricky animal to contend with. 65N could equalk as much as an extra 0.5M jumping height therefore a pen would have to atleast cover a 2M height. hope this is a help.
  7. personally, to enclose the amphibian frog creature ones would need a good area with a high awall as to prevent the creature from boinging over the walls and escaping, personally id use the frog-hurder2000 designed especially for the job, this has a nice soft scoup and lite bristles to poke the beast and get it to move, i believe these retail at around £5.99? good luck with hurding them :P
  8. i have found it! get on your hands and knees, ladys and alic i present to you ........ the frog brush :P
  9. dear god how could they do such think, id say a frog is around the size of a small dish? may vary due to the amount of lard in there diet
  10. personally i like the 'whiffle stiffle brush' with its fine bristles which are a fair length id say around 10 cm long and there extremely good durability and resitance to slimy reptiles this makes it the ultimet brush. one would use this brush by grasping the handle and moving a in a smooth flowing action. these are frog friendly and are made for the job www.frogbrushes.com <shop :P
  11. i cant see the results on the results board? :P EDIT: just found them very confusing! http://www.biketrialuk.co.uk/Results/TT%20...hampionship.xls
  12. i really want to go! i love ot pi and it would be great! all depends on if i can get there or not i hope i can :P
  13. heres one fresh from the coffee house: when the ex-girl sends you a mkessage intended for someone else that says 'hey baby!had a great time with u today tb luv mexxxxxxxxx' fooking slag whore! *breathes* :P
  14. haha sorry im really thick and slow! ill try and get all things sorted by then:)
  15. great idea when dates are available ill see if i can get up there! good to see effort being put in :P
  16. chavs most women annoying little mothers on motorbikes mopeds burberry llandudno(where i live) most of my family my school the girl where i live(cheating slags) my face think thats all :-
  17. i personally say that the creak is coming form the cranks maybe the bb......... nice snappege there! i hate t snaptors :-
  18. as far as i see it you only live once so do trials if you really love it but if its to bad either try and get the mofo's sorted or quit, id ride if i has server arthuritus love it :-
  19. hey felos ;) who atteneded the trial today? i found it a great trial today the sections were much better than usual and were not like a race as before :)" weather was good for most of the day apart from some weather in the morning, i rode expert think i got 2nd not 100% sure thou. how did everyone else do? hope yall had fun and also a big thanks to all who helped out :- cheers craig
  20. downloading now will edit when done :o edit: nice video there found it got a liuttle boring towards the end but good riding and cool music :o :( *funny norwegan monkey humour :P *
  21. yeah be competative but you gotta be friendly aswell if someone talks to you its hardly world champs is it now :)
  22. wow! looking good there matt will be one sweet wheel and one sweet bike once it is all built well deserved and keep up the good ridng mate :)
  23. geta toxsin i have rode three of these there so nice its mad! really light, really strong and are just 10% yummy! great for tapping and other moves but nice on natural aswell i think www.merseytrial.co.uk are the uk importers and sellers <_<
  24. Ducko


    thanks you mr tart, close topic
  25. i also find that comps are usually a good atmosphere except when you get to expert-elite people seem to be really competative, last trial none that was in expert would talk to me but plenty of people in lower classes were good to talk too <_<
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