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Everything posted by Ducko

  1. Ducko

    Leg Wacking

    elo folks, i just bought a mod the other day the short zoo,i have only had long bikes in the past, and i realise when im riding that if i go for a big gap i always wack my leg into the bars and its giving me one fat ass bruise just above my knee! does anyone else have this problem or know if trhere is any way to stop it? cheers :angry:
  2. i might be riding chester next saturday depends who is riding..
  3. i live in wrexham which is 15mins away on the train ill ride soem time
  4. i love magic the gathering awsome artwork too! im getting some tats next year cant wait! kennys tats are cool not what i would have thou
  5. i had one in my t master so yeah i dont see why not! sorry i kinda wen to off on one! so yeah should fit no problem!
  6. yepo! all monty hubs fit all monty bike frames they do it so you have to buy there hubs for there frames cheaky bitches! hope this helps (Y)
  7. usually gap around 7, have gapped 8 on my old mod
  8. id say they bopth are exactly the same really aprt from stickers both frames feel the same too ive dode them both (Y)
  9. what a nut case! that was an apauling attempt too! not that i could do better (Y)
  10. ill do it defo!:P sounds like a plan! bagsy no night shift :D
  11. ill do something stupid if you have any ideas matt :D
  12. if they can cure it it would be cool! but people would maybe become less cautious and maybe catch other diseases?
  13. i got my hub off him, awsome service did alot of good stuff for me:) fast shipping and no tax :P awsome dude to deal with!
  14. Ducko

    Profile Driver

    get chris too do it...... (Y)
  15. nice vid joe! looking good there mate, skills are better and you got some balls now :lol: grow your hair dude evenlonger than it is now it give you power, (Y)
  16. i did ride mod loved it, then snapped my bike, got a stock bike extra cheap and now dont like stock because im small. so im planning on getting a mod asap!
  17. win / do well at comps.. and also make sure you keep practicing to improve your riding, being honest there is more to riding than having a sponser thou. it works <_<
  18. i might come along, how far is this place form wrexham ol' thomas?
  19. Ducko


    its all personal prefferance i think, i sidehop to front wheel then pull the back end up but as will said on thin things going to two wheels is beter as its more accurate (for some unknown reason :blink: ) just learn both (Y)
  20. im going to put a set of these echo rims on my new mod when its built helpful report! (Y)
  21. Ducko

    Giacomo Coustellier

    i personally love comp footage! i dont see how it is shit really i think its good that its a little diffrent i hate all these videos that are just big move after big move bores me to death
  22. i just want to know when the damn thing is going to be for sale, its been around for a fair while now i think they need to get there ass in gear and bring the thing out!
  23. trhese is a guy in llandudno junction that sells them mate they are expensive about £20 i think but they are super good and really strong, i could break the fattys anyways :P
  24. Ducko


    can you get there by train fromm wrexham? im pretty intrested in coming up one day
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