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Everything posted by Ducko

  1. the uk sucks dick. government are too busy trying to stop chavs breaking things and providing old ladys with promenades...
  2. sounds awosme! im jealous!:Dhehe have fun
  3. ill be down too should be some fun? we needs some people to show us where the ride spots are if you could? anyways hope to see some people there!
  4. yes thanks:) i dont like sa rocks too much they get so boring after a while there are loads where i live but ogwen is 1hr drive away and its miles better!
  5. cant wait to get some more piccys and some prices looks promising :closedeyes:
  6. ill try and get there! oits a big ass trek from my place but im sure i cand drag will along too.
  7. pretty fly lado, i still think the graphics ruin the look :)
  8. thats the old very first python
  9. iolo dude cant wait till your back, coem stay at mine and well have a big ride and piss up yerrr! :)
  10. what a nob head! :) haha jokin!hjehe get some piccys if you can tom old mate :santa:
  11. no but a nice frame thou i have one
  12. because this one is a vast scientific debate about the structure of the new frame. joking dont know mate
  13. my mate carl has been doing it 6month or so and he is awosme ill get pics
  14. i think its really nice! i hate the graphics thou there horrible, i think we should see how they ride being honest, cant say much form a few piccys, bash is a cool idea(imagine the grip on the logs :) ) tensioners are cool! looks promising
  15. i think he was a fanny he waste dual livers, which one could have been used on someone who wasnt just going to waste it, just because he played football doesnt make him special hes just like any other alcholic ass bandit,what a total peen. as some one prevoiusly said thank f**k hes dead :lol:
  16. awsome stuff, well i have my eye on a few now so as soon as i get payed i will be buying one, i can only just ride the things thou should be a laugh! whats your uni tom?
  17. correct it is utter shite! atleast i know NEVER to go there again:)
  18. nice media there felas! will is getting a bit springy now good riding goin down! :lol:
  19. hahaha you silly bitch (Y) love the hat its well nice :lol:
  20. should be there at about 12.30odd might brign a few guys up? see you there
  21. i dont care what any one thinks, at the end of the day tyrials is a hard sport to do, id love to see any DH/DJ rider do anything that takes any skill (Y)
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