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Everything posted by Ducko

  1. that sucks, ive been kicked of trains before for having my bike, its stupidity ive never seen bikes cause problems.
  2. Ducko


    cheers, ill try an overdose on something later. it is definetaly the flu cheers guy. i basically fell down the stairs
  3. if im better and can get there thou shalt come along, as long as matt buys me a chicken
  4. Ducko


    hello felas, i got the flu and have had it for 8 days now its driving me mad! i was wondering if anyone knows anyways to get better from it quickly? cheers
  5. Ducko

    Hot Lady # 3

    hahaha! did nobody tell you thats your mum?
  6. sounds awsome too me! means you'd have loads of time to practice!
  7. love snowboarding! looks alrite that there vid
  8. Ducko

    Wow! Hot Lady!

    bet she gives great head with teeth like that
  9. i wish i had a disused underground base to ride in, nice riidng as usual
  10. ok comment was a bit dull, but i do think the reply was a bit out of order, will we shall have to design a tool for the job
  11. Ducko


    best chain is the kmc one really josh, make sure you dont use the split links thou they are rubbish!
  12. fair doos this forum is full of grumpy c**ts now, take a chill pill gimp this nis the only forum where you get moaned at for posting your opinion
  13. agreed it is not knurled on that picture, but other post are refering to if you tryed to knurl it i think. no need for the stress i dont think...
  14. Ducko

    Weight Saving

    take a dump before you ride saves weight and is more comfortable.
  15. awsome story there. stupid chavs there all so dumb makes me laugh, my mates bike got robbed once, was a norco a line, chav roide straight past me in town tryed catching him but he noticed, meh! think yourself lucky dood! must have been such a laugh
  16. i think its a stupid idea, the knurling will more than likely damage the rim as alot of pressure is applyed onto the surface being knurled, also to get a good knurled finish alot od poressure would have to be applyed this would damage most rims unless the sidewalls were thick. in work when i knurl steel bars around diameter 10 mm these bend alot when being knurled, stick wiht grinding i think...
  17. kids eh or whatever he is, sounds like a charming character...
  18. Ducko

    Super Cat Vid

    if this works its well nasty didnt work//
  19. Ducko

    Super Cat Vid

    cat-hahaha myspace one-hehehehehe*star* skater one- haha ouch haha
  20. good moves as usual, vid would have been better if was shorter, good demo by look of things
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