hello felas, i got the flu and have had it for 8 days now its driving me mad! i was wondering if anyone knows anyways to get better from it quickly? cheers
awsome story there. stupid chavs there all so dumb makes me laugh, my mates bike got robbed once, was a norco a line, chav roide straight past me in town tryed catching him but he noticed, meh! think yourself lucky dood! must have been such a laugh
i think its a stupid idea, the knurling will more than likely damage the rim as alot of pressure is applyed onto the surface being knurled, also to get a good knurled finish alot od poressure would have to be applyed this would damage most rims unless the sidewalls were thick. in work when i knurl steel bars around diameter 10 mm these bend alot when being knurled, stick wiht grinding i think...