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Everything posted by Ducko

  1. i had one i was not impressed so i sold it, heavy and no adjustment on them really ok for downhill -ish
  2. good stuff lad! i hit one about 48ins otha day needs measuring thou
  3. i really dont see why people are having such a rant over a new frame design, new designs are good they help trials and trials bikes progress, its looks weird, and may have a few bad points (hose on downtube) but its diffrent and if it actually works resonably new. i say go koxx good to see some nice ideas instead of cheap rip of copys of other companys frames
  4. Ducko


    thats not the case as there is limited places to ride a motor bike where i live but loads of really good trails, good thought thou.
  5. Ducko


    paying off is not a problem at all, what account do you apply for with first direct? cheers
  6. you should start matt baby
  7. Ducko


    who is ilkuee talking too? if you are talking to me money i dont have but money i can afford to spend . its a demo 9 with amaizng build
  8. Ducko


    that really is not funny, too much effort put in to that seriously get out more
  9. Ducko


    bring it on, i coulnt care less lifes a bitch its sucks end of chat
  10. i dont see how anyone can take the piss, this guy deserves respect for pushing limits of freeride, it takes balls and skill. really bad crash nasty but for trying it fair play to the guy! http://youtube.com/watch?v=sAdaEIojr1E&amp...h=josh%20bender <another nasty one
  11. Ducko


    explained above like 2hrs left on it, was an urge at the end of the day none else bidded for it so cant really complain
  12. thats ace, change the colour ditch the vintage stickers and itll be frsh as f**k!
  13. frame looks crap and seat is bigger than my sofa
  14. which one is the girl? joking
  15. Ducko


    cheers for replys well see what happens
  16. ah right that is not too bad at all! will see about next year cheers
  17. Ducko


    thanks for replys, well basically i bidded on it thinking loan no problem, and saw it last minitue had like 2 hrs left! its all abit funny thou, im going to go back to le bankl see what they cna do:)
  18. Ducko


    hey guys, i have just bidded last minutue on a bike on ebay its 1800 notes, i thought i could get a loan but apears i cant because im just turned 18 and have only just opened a credit card account thing. ican afford to pay a loan off have a good job full time etc gbut cant get my hands on the cahs! need some help a loan lender with no intrest in credit ratings and reasonable intrest rates or any other ideas you guys have! cheers (sorry bout speelling bit drunk) cheers guys:)
  19. should have got red or yellow pads my mate has greens there crap
  20. awsome honkies cant wait foir a group ride! chris is coming tooo!
  21. koxx at it again:) come up with some weird and wonderful stuff staying one step ahead most of the time. good shizzle bet it rides weird
  22. Ducko


    get with the time's
  23. nice vid there some cool footage and editing.
  24. not alf' bad didnt like the quality much, good riding thou hooks are biatches. get some rocks on the go good stuff
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