intresting topic, i think the whole lets make trials cool so they ride it is bad, i wear trackies when i ride there well comfy like a big leather chair! but i am far from a chav! i ride comps they are fun if you make them fun, i ride street with my mates which is also fun, taking trials (comps) seriously is good, wearing the correct gear is not a bad thing, maybe you dont look so cool but who cares, i must say i do think the two martyns are not very sociable to other riders seing as there suposed to be big influencial riders but maybe i met them both on bad days? i also believe alot of there opinions are very stupid i.e making trials popular, if people like trials they will ride it and adapt there own style i dont want it to become the 'in' thing that would suck royally! im tired maybe all this makes no sense haha i dont know, but try and chill (im not one to talk about chilling:P) also mbuk sucks fashion for bikes, good night god bless etc!