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Everything posted by Ducko

  1. seing as noone has really confirmed anything ride is now in prestaytyn call me for info if ridng
  2. b*****d i was there yesterday looked alrite for a ride!
  3. good stuff should be a few lads down hopefully! if anyone needs to call me in the morning to meet up my number is : 07894464631 i shoud, be in chester by about 12 i think! so see you la's there!
  4. Ducko


    looks awsome! if i made a street bike think id have one of those bad boys looks smart as fook!
  5. so who is defo coming so i can arrange times to meet up and stuff? cheers
  6. looking good! used to love my levelboss 1065 rode really well and one hell of a strong frame too!
  7. it is chester! on wales border basically=]
  8. chester is good if you know the palces, but yeah llanngollen is not bad at all except i dont have a car:)
  9. theres loads of roman ruins, the docks new area that looks good! loads of li8nes by the look of things, lots of walls and other things i will be riding there anwyays its not bad ask josh
  10. not bad bike looks mint! not as good as his adequate seven vid thou
  11. lovely fair play the paint jobs finish the bieks nicely!
  12. yeah there is enough for a days ride! i found a really cool place i havent rode yet by the locks loads of funky gaps and walls etc! im just getting the day planned in my head atm but im sure it will be a good ride indeed!
  13. Ducko

    The King Of Fools

    cool vid dude! was fun to watch
  14. chris and bob and my bro alex and dave are all coming up to now=] sorry tom i totally forgot! keep it there im still having it wont be for a few weeks work have f**ked my pay up big style so im skint right now but im still having it cheeers! also come to chester!
  15. agree that is really rediculous! get em' ali lad
  16. agree that is really rediculous! get em' ali lad
  17. its quiet funny, people want trials to get bigger better more popular etc and the people that want that are now saying that the forum was better years ago? i agree that a while back there were less arguments and the sort but now there are more people and more clashes in opinion and so on but if trials is gettin bigger more people will join TF, believe it or not i have been using this forum for years now except my old account got deleted a few years back when TF went down i agree with joe mostly about his first post, but i do think that people should ride anyway they want and i guess respect other peoples areas i.e comps. much love craig
  18. like the frame alot! not to fond on the red stickers sure it rides very good thou.
  19. yo yo, will be riding chester this sunday if anyone is up for it? should be there for about 12 or 1, if anyone is intrested will arrange meeting places etc, soundd
  20. a disgusting filthy foreign czech slut for 1 night only and maybe a new rim and tyres and frame
  21. intresting topic, i think the whole lets make trials cool so they ride it is bad, i wear trackies when i ride there well comfy like a big leather chair! but i am far from a chav! i ride comps they are fun if you make them fun, i ride street with my mates which is also fun, taking trials (comps) seriously is good, wearing the correct gear is not a bad thing, maybe you dont look so cool but who cares, i must say i do think the two martyns are not very sociable to other riders seing as there suposed to be big influencial riders but maybe i met them both on bad days? i also believe alot of there opinions are very stupid i.e making trials popular, if people like trials they will ride it and adapt there own style i dont want it to become the 'in' thing that would suck royally! im tired maybe all this makes no sense haha i dont know, but try and chill (im not one to talk about chilling:P) also mbuk sucks fashion for bikes, good night god bless etc!
  22. let me know were ur riding sunday and ill come for abit
  23. change of location: think a few people are riding llandudno tomoorraaa! anyone who is coming contact me or the little shit
  24. i run a king now couldnt go back to anything else, as well as being fast to engage it also feels really solid, when i ride a bike with another hub or freewheel it just doesnt feel up to it anymore
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