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Everything posted by Ducko

  1. bump! anyone coming 12 at station.
  2. sikth, adequate seven, new converge album, loads of random stuff i dont know the name off chillout shizz! john butler!
  3. planning a llandudno ride next saturday, anyone who is intrested the lilkely meeting place will be the train statioin at 12ish
  4. Ducko

    James Hart

    boring riidng wasnt awful but needs some practice on basics like balance! take more time on next vid
  5. that looks amazing im soo annoying i didnt go now !!
  6. awsome new site mate! 2 best shots are the one of matt a gapping in brimham and the swan haha cant get over that one makes me giggle! good work nice cam!
  7. Ducko

    Iolo 24"

    very nice this really is a nice looking frame and bike!! well done iolo!
  8. f**k them all! its out contry and the minority of people in this country celebrate crimbo! if they dont like it they can f**k off! it really pisses me off now how british people seem to be put behind the imigrants and foreginers they always seem to come first!! one day i think theres going to be alot of fights and even a war in this country as racism at the moment is sky high as far as ive seen! f**k it we might as well all convert to islam now! haha (sorry if its ott but this topic pisses me off )
  9. Ducko

    Halo 3

    cant wait! looks like a mint game this one doess indeed! P.S olly got steel battalion the other week=]
  10. Ducko

    Halo 3

    you and me both laddy!
  11. http://www.geocities.com/Pipeline/Ramp/2901/ try that site
  12. i think when you do something you know you can do it and your confident about it in the back of your mind i dont think you just go for it as this usual results in crashes and if someone doesnt do something they more than likely do it a mmonth or so later when they feel more confident
  13. Ducko

    Halo 3

    look all over the net and there are that many release sates its driving me mads! does anyone know when this game is actually out? cheers!
  14. done it blind folded ayeeeeee
  15. good move i think, lets see how he stands up against mr belaey
  16. nice bike nice pics! love the design on that frame very nice indeed!
  17. good job i guess i think custom home made things are always nice i made me bro a tensioner and its worked fine for almost a year now haha spot on!
  18. Ducko


    shame that is! but how much is that frame and whats the geo looks lush!
  19. Ducko

    Feeling The Chill?

    that were a cool lil vid!
  20. haha well good proper gurns ont go:P
  21. sounds good lads! bring on the hairy emo birds!
  22. was funky yeah!! good riding from the guys! you get my fat blessing
  23. what is the first song on the kenny belaey vid where hes on his monty think its called bike motion or something like that its a metal sonmg and it funky! so yeah help a nigga out=]
  24. sorry mate i just dont know whatr anyone is doing, so we arrange prestatyn people are defo ridin g there meetin at 12 at station if anyone comes
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