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Everything posted by Ducko

  1. another top notch trials component from onza haha well done on the snappage!
  2. myself and small chris may attend.
  3. the brake is starting to work better after some good cleaning,(and a bit of burning) thank you my brothers!
  4. had mine 3 years and its the best thing on my bike!!
  5. Ducko

    Marko Blau....

    very good riding and some of those ride spots jesus! i remeber some of them of an old video called ostern ride
  6. haha thanks alot fruit king
  7. ok thanks alot my highland friend
  8. isnt there a way of clensing the pads by heating them and sanding the top layer off? cheers
  9. good evening! i have a rear hope mini its been off bike for a good 8 months just put it back on yesterday, done enough riding to bed it in in the past 2 days!! but alas the brake works as well as a sweaty slipper. when i pull the brake it doesnt have the usual modulation and nice bitting feel, its like two bricks are rubbing the disk the only way to lock the back wheel is by hauling on the damn lever! so really im not sure what it is but i could do with this brake being fully operational! im thinking maybe the pads have become contaminated? but the brake does not leak? any ideas? thank you folks!
  10. complementary of the LG choc phone
  11. this is my new beast, demo 8 frame, manitou dorados fork, hope brakes, sas wheels, saint cranks, rides really nicely!
  12. Ducko

    Steve Colley

    its dumb talk for people who dont understand.
  13. that one is 10.2 slot, i will be making and adapter for people will ikkle bolts and axels
  14. and the weather for ogwen on saturday is....
  15. get your bloody bar-o-meters out women!
  16. its a challenging ride in the wet indeed
  17. Ducko

    Steve Colley

    what a legend really good ride is old colley, shame about the crash very nasty indeed!
  18. Ducko

    Steve Colley

    what a legend really good ride is old colley, shame about the crash very nasty indeed!
  19. there is another support being attached that hasnt yet been made. again more pics will be up soon and this is a prototype!! cheers
  20. poorly serviced and alu cogs break.
  21. at the end of the day you get what you pay for, pile of shit? the only bad king is one that hasnt been looked after. i have seen alot more hope hubs broken snapped etc than kings and the king has been out alot longer!
  22. if your in wales ill come out on the demo8?
  23. noo silence to you wooly mamoth boy!
  24. ali he said he is getting a bmx one! which comes with funn bolts and hd axel as standard. do the job properly and get a king
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