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Everything posted by Ducko

  1. really like the mod, not sure how strong it will be id like too see how much beating it can take. but ifs its strong and that lite thats awsome!
  2. nice video you minature dwarfen slag got alot better
  3. Ducko

    Tarty + Nwbt + Co

    nice vid matt some nice riding there! so gutted i missed that ride:(
  4. cheers for replies! helmet needs replacing sorry fela will try get more soon
  5. i think some people really need to get out and ride there bikes more... someone delete this damn topic please.
  6. cant make ogwen either its a tad too far my tank is low sorry guys...
  7. thanks will and partz, as far as im concerned someone can delete this topic, people need to get out and ride more christ, as for people who have said anything positive thanks ill be making a sexier model soon, as i said i have not said there is an increase in pressure or any bollocks like that, in GENERAL i find the performance better with the spliter cheers lurdz nicely made good job:)
  8. i found that bleeding the brake did not take much longer to be honest but i guess it depends how u do it, i cant prove the pistons move equally but as far as im concerned its quiet obvious, personally ive noticed that most people who run the normal setup always have the master piston move first before the slave, not here to prove anything, its just there for people too look at. cheers
  9. might have worded it wrong im not saying it has more power it obveously doesnt, im saying in using it i find it easier to set up, i find the performance better(and by this im not saying there it gives of more power) both pads move in sync everytime, all this adds upto a better working brake, i dont really care about what people think, i put the idea upto show people not have an argument with anyone about it, i like it it works and if people want to go on about it being no good fair enough, but my brake has been a damn sight better since ive used it. cheers for positive comments will post up the re designed drawing soon. cheers i have not said anywhere in this topic that it increase power damn it read the post properly!
  10. just an up to front i did today thought it was quiet good me bro alex toulk the pics and the switch to back. chearz
  11. you have no idea, braided hosing is different from normal hose as it has screw fixtures and cany slip onto the tapers on a monty hose spliter, better to set up as both pistons move equally unlike when its set master and slave style, more power because both pistons are getting direct pressure from lever piston again not working as master and slave which means the master has more pressure initially. its alot better performance wise as its enabled me to set the brake up spot on. if you have nothing good or constructive to say keep it shut, and try learn something about braking, if i make a few it will be cheapish maybe 10 quid? cheers
  12. it is less spongy and its braided hose its not really flexible, if i had shitty pistons i wouldnt have bothered making it and would have left my brake shite, but it works spot on as i said, and i might be making a batch soon, hoses do need trimming just threw it together to test it cheers for comments
  13. feels less spungyyyy, better to set up both pistons move in time with the same force much better
  14. ayyee first one has been made, works spot on i love it but as far as desing goes could loose a load of weight off it so ill be doing that to the next one here she is: cheers
  15. im sure fi you go out in bangor you can pull some ho's and crash at there guys theres enough slaggs haha. sounds good what time we meeting sat in rhyl felas?
  16. look mad but itll ride wank and snap lol
  17. Ducko

    **nwbt3** Yay!

    nice video there matt
  18. Ducko

    Hose Splitter

    now fitted and working really well! pics up soon.
  19. me if i can get time of work and get there!
  20. Ducko

    Matt Arkwright

    sexy b*****d!! that lad impresses me everytime i see him ride! nice one matt some mad moves there! driving now so must arrange a ride sometime. keep it up big boy
  21. Ducko

    Hose Splitter

    more like they'd see it and copy it cheeky monkeys! see how well the second proto comes out! and how well it works.
  22. Ducko

    Hose Splitter

    yeah i am going to take alot of meat of it but atm its just a proto too see how well it works mate! will make a 2nd proto soon.
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