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Everything posted by tipus

  1. tipus

    Glasseye Dvd

    the same thing happened to me, but i got it yesterday.I ordered it the 22nd, and the same day it arrived, it was stil; "awaiting confirmation". Too bad he went to koxxdays though, maybe you will get it tomorrow?
  2. tipus

    Glasseye Dvd

    That was so worth the money! Very good dvd, thanks for making it!! Pretty simple editing, and it suited it very well, enjoyed every bit of it Recomended!
  3. haha, beast ehem, we have more about you guys
  4. but this one does http://tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/KMT2
  5. tipus

    Possibly A New Vid?

    ah, AWESOME! all i can say!! So techy and stylish, very good video Sweet lines as well
  6. orite vid.. But why not use a HELMET?? seriously, i really think it's stupid why not use it? just wondering
  7. Great riding by wayne! I liked this better than the first episode. Ther's something with the editing i dont like, and why has the music such a poor quality? Not complaining, just my opinion.. Pity it didn't work out as planned though, would be cool with a dvd After all, thanks for sharing!
  8. The exact same thing happened to me the other day.. I was gaping, and right before i landed, it snapped..
  9. Practise practise practise.. The guy that now has TRA's vinco can tap it very easy. Film yourself, then watch it in slowmotion. May help?
  10. tipus

    Glasseye Dvd

    Would be spot on! Im so buying this dvd
  11. skills!!! awesome riding, what kind of bike does he have? revell or something? Those frontwheel moves, yeaaahh!
  12. tipus

    Glasseye Dvd

    wicked, cant wait =)
  13. now we know where craig's frame is
  14. tipus

    James Porter

    brilliant teaser! Sick
  15. http://tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/blazebiker Edit: Horrible music, didn't fit the video at all. And please get som helmets on. Sorry, but didn't like it at all. Put some more effort in the editing.
  16. okey vid. riding is getting better Didn't think the music suited it though.. Just wondering, are you going to use all the same songs that tra have used?
  17. anyone? EDIT: i found it! "R.E.M - The outsiders"
  18. --> QUOTE(joe b @ Feb 16 2006, 10:35 PM) ←Very good video, you look comfortable on your new bike! How long had you had it before you tripped to Sweden? Cheers, Joe. He got it the day before he went to Sweden
  19. New better host! http://tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/erikecho "ShortBestclips01"
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