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Everything posted by tipus

  1. Yeah.. I want this dvd too! Anyone?
  2. tipus

    Vinco Mod?

    One Sexy bike! With a rear disk too, hm... cool. but 70+bb?
  3. Madrugada something, i guess.
  4. Nice.. Looks like your magura crossover will snap any time. Just a warning
  5. tipus

    A Sweet Bail

    Shit! one nasty crash Did you walk out of it unhurt?
  6. Nice little vid As said above, a bit repative at the start. But good riding and nice editing Bring out a longer one with a few more riding spots
  7. The 06 ones has extra thick rim walls.. And i havnt grinded it much..
  8. tipus

    Get 1, Trailer 2

    Biggest joke ever!
  9. Okey.. So i got my echo 2006 rim a couple months ago.. And suddenly i noticed that it was about to split itself I've only got one dent, but i got that after it decided to split itself. Here is some pics: The first pic; it looks like a dent, its not.. I was just unlucky with the grinder. (and its not as deep as it may look) This is the only dent iv'e got. It's like this half-around the rim. Has anyone else experienced this?
  10. tipus

    Glasseye Dvd

    Another MINT trailer! Is there any chance that you may be making Get2?
  11. Thanks for nice comments everyone
  12. jezus... is it so hard? If so.. http://kkroen.zaccum.com/L.X.D%284%29.rmvb
  13. tipus

    Street In Prague

    Reeepost. Nice video though http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=74624
  14. Nice one! GOod riding! Also agree with what tra said, using them muscles
  15. Thanks! Look at the first few seconds
  16. Hello! Did some filming over the past few days, so i thought i'd post a video Mostly chilling around, so nothing that special. And i put a rap song in for the first time Hope you like.. Comments appreciated http://tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/erikecho "spring.fin.wmv" 18mb - 03:31
  17. Got any bigger pics? the last ones are too small
  18. That's the one I think he used prodigy in "cls end of"
  19. I dont think its a comp frame.. And every frame should be able to handle 10 mins of droping..
  20. That's probably because he has diabetes2?
  21. To begin with it was a bit scarry really, didnt know how my bloodsugar would react etc.. But as you get to know how your body reacts while riding, its a lot easier. Riding/activity keeps your bloodsugar levels down, wich is a good thing. As long as its not too low.. And i always have something to drink or eat with me at all times, incase i get low bloodsugar.
  22. Hey. Was recently a topic about this on otn.. Ive got diabtes 1, just wondering if anyone else has diabetes on the forum? And how you handle it whilst riding etc..
  23. tipus

    Clee Days '06

    hm, ive got VLC player and loads of other codecs.. But, noooo.. Doesn't work. hm?
  24. haha.. ace! how did it go with porter?
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