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Everything posted by tipus

  1. Wicked riding.. It didn't tease me though. Didn't like the editing or the music. sorry
  2. Just to add a smart comment from the other forum ""there are a whole bunch of Trails riders over here who have serious serious skills, and people are always amazed by what they can do on a bike... yet they get no real pubilicity or respect as atheletes... it's a real shame. Makes me think about the big high paid sports stars... like football (soccer, to the uneducated) players getting paid the equivalent of a really high anual wage every week... yet they still miss the goals when they have a penalty. If they practised as much as that guy they should be capable of so much more, yet that guy gets paid almost nothing for years of dedication!""
  3. ehm, orite.. What really happened?
  4. Looks interesting Full Build!!
  5. tipus

    Matt Arkwright

    That vid was brilliant! Nice filming and editing, well done and yeah, he's a BEAST
  6. tipus

    Matt Arkwright

    Link doesnt work.. This one does: LINK Mint website by the way
  7. tipus

    New Monty Mod...

    Looks like the koxx monsterboy.. Hope they come out with a cool 26" one too.
  8. love it, alot! When do we get to see a new longer vid with music?
  9. Yeah, that will work.. Or not Just tell her the way it is. For expample that riding is a big part of your life, bla bla, etc.
  10. hehe, yeah... Thanks for comments everyone
  11. woo.. Changing pretty fast eh? Going trough 3,6 bikes a year.. Silly
  12. tipus

    Oooh, A Teaser.

    I'm well teased now
  13. Joe is right Quote from tra:
  14. thats wicked! Now go do some filming where there is light
  15. Sparta - Collapse All the songs are listed in the end of the vid
  16. haha... The drop wasn't that too big either.. Or was it?
  17. thanks.. I was happy , like "yeeeshshh"
  18. Went for a little ride today. It was so f**king hot. Did some filming, and finished the ride with a very painfull crash... My arm is still dead =P http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/erikecho "Shortie_2.wmv"
  19. grind it abit, then re-paint it pow! new crank.. there u go
  20. 4:3... Looks like widescreen is the future though
  21. tipus

    Plate Fire Video

    come and visit your neighbours !
  22. tipus


    One of my favorites is still Mike Portnoy! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=18...&q=Mike+Portnoy and also http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=42...&q=Mike+Portnoy
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