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Too Much Spare Time

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  1. Hey all, I moved to Switzerland recently for a new job and thinking of starting trials again. Is anybody on here from Switzerland or know of any trials riders here? Cheers! Noori
  2. Unable to restore....awww....buggered! (
  3. Ooh well ive just got as far as putting phone into recovery mode...laptop is currently 'recovering' it...will see how far it can get! Thanks guys
  4. The wall. I tried computer but no response. I'll try again though, cheers
  5. Thanks guys. It'd only sell for £30 so not worth spending on. I'll buy a screwdriver on eBay for about £1 so I can open her up and have a look anyway
  6. Thanks guys. It'd only sell for £30 so not worth spending on. I'll buy a screwdriver on eBay for about £1 so I can open her up and have a look anyway
  7. Hey guys. I know some of you are tech savvy so thought it worth asking here. I dropped my iphone 4 in the bog a few weeks ago, I turned it off but it kept turning itself on and the torch was permanently on. It eventually ran out of battery. I put it in dry rice for 24 hours. Plugged it in after that, Apple logo shows, nothing happens, won't turn on. Apple logo disappears when unplugged. AKA it's buggered. Does any one know any way to revive it? I want to revive it enough to delete all my data so I can sell it for a few bob... Cheers
  8. I always just referenced the book at uni, never had a problem. Are you studying materials engineering?
  9. Fair enough, but I'd say it's common courtesy to leave a note, if only to give the owner peace of mind until the next day - especially if the car is undriveable!
  10. I would guess leaving a note in that case, would've saved me a lot of stress! Got my car back now, needed a new rad and headlight, proper smash! Still not 100% so I'm going to call the guy tomorrow and see if we can come to an agreement....
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGNCXyVtni8 seemed appropriate (btw i don't smoke)
  12. The guy owned up thankfully, van driver. Faith in humanity restored!
  13. Yeah I don't think I'll have any luck CCTV-wise as I can't see any cameras. Might end up just having to pay for this off my own back and finding a better place to park in future. The businesses next to my car are open all day so I'd be very surprised if none of them saw anything (maybe they were involved though). Left a note in my car aswell asking for any help...
  14. Too late fruitbat... I phoned them to report it but didn't claim. Very stupid in hindsight and my premium is going up (by a lot) which they say is all to do with my new address. Thanks for all your help anyway people.
  15. Wish I saw this message before I phoned insurance, Luke! I was still registered at my old address and am now having my premium increased.......brilliant day all round! The car is undrive-able and will cost a bomb to fix
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