It's far more different than parkour with a wheel and seat... You'll realise it when trying to gap or hop one to any achievement... It's far more complicated, and plus trials unicycles use trials as a 'little something else', not as a pure thing like trials bikes do... Unis can be used very effectively for Northshore, XC, DH, and street (grinds, unispins, footplants, crankflips back and forward etc...). So trials is only a small portion of what a 'trials' uni can do... It looks much easier than it is... everyone I know that has gone on one, whether it be Chai, Dan Ko, Tim Rodriguez, Joe Elding, Martin Grainger, ... who are all fairly decent trials riders, find it impossibly difficult to do any sort of gap or sidehop up to any real avail (it's normal for everyone!) I can understand where you're coming from though, monkeyseemonkeydo, most people think that at first, as did I, but it's far far different. However, I can't understand where you're coming from, aim@me, as it's sheer ignorance. Try it yourself, that'll keep you quiet.