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Everything posted by kev_goodyear

  1. Great video riding looks spot on
  2. Great pictures boys wish i could have got my arse out the pub and made it up there, let me know next time
  3. Sweet pics. Yet again lewis some more pics in the sun, I think your just trying to rub it in, kev
  4. Great pictures Lovely riding The video should be great
  5. Cool vid, looked like a perfict day for playing near the sea. those rock look spot on! The bike looks sweet as well
  6. Cool bike stan, looks sweet as like all your bikes.
  7. cool ride lads, was good to be out nice pics timmy even a sneaky one of me lol
  8. Ye thats fine get one bought if thats what your after
  9. Ive got a brand new set of Chris king fun bolts for sale, they won't fit my frame Any offers Cheers Kev
  10. a bit of spray paint but uve gotta be fast then just cut them off when your finished they will never move lol
  11. well im old enough to drink and it shows lol i should know better as well but i dont so ive got a Czar anything else may snap lol
  12. Just dont ride on the road and keep away from then its just one of those things we have to put up with.
  13. Cool ill give one a go the 06 one was a bit poo, this should be stronger with the raised part sweet as
  14. Now then Echo 2007 rear rim has anyone tried ones tarty have then what do you think!!!!!!!
  15. the frame is great u built the bike yet!!!!!!
  16. Its at Back Cown Quarry near Rochdale me Timmy and mike went after work on friday, was a good laugh
  17. iin my garage while waiting for timmy to build my wheel
  18. Now then http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/128/dsc019623ci.jpg the latest paint job on the CZAR got board of the silver this rides far better than the vinco did, couldnt get used to that
  19. have a look at a bike shop online or just search around on ebay, u never know what u can find........lol
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