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Everything posted by CurtisRider

  1. they are very impressive, you certainly wont be unhappy with them, but i personally prefer the avid juicys, they are stupidly good, mine hasnt even finished breaking in yet and its kickin all the mono trials ive used arses :lol: they have a really nice lever feel and look pretty sweet too :-
  2. i ran sus for a short time too, and it was bloody good fun, im tempted to try it again in the not too distant future when i finally build a 24 sus opens up a whole new world of possibilities i think and it helped me learn front wheel moves at a fast rate :) (im not saying you shoudlnt be able to do big stuff with rigids, sus just make sit easier to learn and do-i quickly adjusted back to rigid when i changed) trouble is weight and the way it puts the geo out on the bike-and the fact i ran mine a bit soft which made balancing difficult
  3. my koxx browns were inf**kincredible....but thats when i ran a magura :) personally id say plaz, i use both the v brake versions of the plaz and heatsink and the plaz is far superior :)
  4. by older t rex he may mean the 2003 and older 1 which is WANK, steer clear of it its the complete opposite of the new 1 then again he could mean older as in 2004.... :)"
  5. i got a radical full build i may sell/split and sell, add em to msn if you interested :)
  6. im was completely the opposite most of the time, id wear my helmet for trials and not for bmx/ mtb dirt jump...... but now im tryin to wear the helmet more, if i dont its usually cos i forget and get carried away :"> i cudnt give a flying f**k whether people think its cool or not to wear 1, tis thier head and thier problem if they mess up.... anyway, i think that bike is a great idea, perhaps a different design to the t rex would have been nicer, just to give it some sort of identity, personally i dont see the need for 24 to be so bmx styled when you are gonna ride trials on it, i like to see input from all angles which i think this bike is taking :)
  7. wow thats the first ashton i can honestly say i like.....well done :)
  8. bt sound slike a bargain to me..........if you like low and long frames, and if its in decent order then get it, you wont regret i reckon :) be a bit cautious of the brisa forks though, i havent owned any personally but ive heard many a bad thing about them from local riders who have had them :)
  9. he he yeah i noticed sam-the rotor isnt even smooth ;) and its gettin ridiculous now....... will ive owned many a different front brake: hope e4 203mm avid mech 160mm avid mech 185mm hope m4 185 magura louise 185 hope mini mono 160 hope mini mono 180 hope mini 185x2 grimeca system 7 (lmao) formula activa and sum diatech disc too as well as many other various magura and v brakes up front-yeah ive owned a few :P and then ive used shitloads of others brakes.....including a few mono trials and martas and the juicy pisses over them all........muhahaha im using it on my mod atm but ill try it on the curtis soon just to see what its like-it shall be be good i know :) get at least a 185 though.....a 160 would be fine but wouldnt have the edge on the 185 and a 200 is far too big....looks silly :D o yeah im almost 13 stone and love doing front wheel moves now if that helps :) happy buying
  10. i have a juicy 5, and if the 7 is any better power wise than it must be in-f**king-credible......... the 5 feels perfect for me, i have the 185 version and ist crazy good, modulation is sweet and the power is top notch-its a far better brake than the mono trials ive used...... the 7 is only a few quid extra, may as well get it for the adjustment-i know i wouldnt mind being able to adjust mine(well actually its at the perfect bite point for me atm)
  11. i loved my king for like 2 weeks, then realised how gash it felt after going back to a hope to f**k if ill ever buy another king, my xc, bulb and eno (several bikes lol) have never given me any troubles, they rarely skip and dont make a gay noise..... i cant wait to get the new hope hub for my stock, itll kick ass will hope still fix the older hubs though?
  12. i have ultimates on my mod and stock, and they are worth the extra cash, luckily a certain member of tf got me them for a much lower price :- and whats 100quid when they are the best, last ages and look pimp :- seems strange about the sd7 comment, i had a few sets and they had very little play-same goes for my deores-where are the ritchey arms available? i wouldnt mind trying some on another bike i have-kinda curious how they compare (N)
  13. pants apparently^^^ i want one of these shimano hubs for a project, where can i get them, anywhere online?
  14. ritchey pro logic arms? what is so speacial about them, ive heard a little about them having a speacila linkage?........why doesnt he just run ultimate arms? its nice to see a pro rider running v's-it makes sense (Y)
  15. he he i told you saracen mads were wank :blink: ride like a sack of shite just get a base boy......... (Y)
  16. have you seen it though? my god it is minging..... ok fashion over function i know :blink: o and it has a internal headset too-see that as a bonus/anoyance as you will (Y)
  17. those red cards-you can sign a form at your local sorting office so that you dont need to be in and sign for things, they can just dump it at you door-trouble is big parcels will be left outside.....not a good idea if you live in pikeyville (Y) luckily i dont :blink: i filled 1 in and i havent had any problems yet, may be worth a try (just a bit of info for you-i know it doesnt really help with the topic)
  18. they are that much new on ebay i think? anyways i had 1, was alrite, itll be better than ur cb, but i advise a base ta26 if you can get 1-far superior the onzas arent that bad, but dont expect it to last ages-many of them snap within 6months to a year of begginer use
  19. stick with the kool, they are the best (Y) strong and lighter-ive never used anything that can beat them for trials use
  20. hadley hubs self destruct dmr revolver hubs are frickin great, solid and reliable, get the ss version with an acs as rich said, for good reliability deore, for the price, are very good too, i ran 1 for 3 years with no probs, even for trials use(ok appauling pickup!) so anyway, what rich said, dmr on acs rear, deore upfront (Y) cheap and solid!
  21. reducing it? surely that would make it stronger i think you meant increasing, or am i missing something!
  22. panaracer do an inbetween tube which for me has been very good, its not supidly thick and heavy, but is far more heavy duty than a normal tube, just to check how good it was i ran a tioga dh 2.1-1 of the worst tyres ever for pinching and had it at 20 psi and gave it a few knocks which resulted in no pinches! normally the tiogas will pinch pretty damn quickly.........even when at a higher psi i think its called the 'super'
  23. gold! droooooooool :huh: i think if i ran that it wud look rather silly as almost all my parts are gold :"> and the fact that i agree with waynio- bts are ugly as hell!
  24. less maintenence? hmmmm i never have to touch my v brake................cables are as smooth as ther day i got them-if you are retarded they need maintenance, if you do it properly they will be fine for ages......... :huh: and v's rarely require boosters :lol: less weight :lol:
  25. a DECENT v brake set up would be my preference, ive said it too many times so i wont run on..... get a decent lever-xt/xtr or avid sd7/ultimate get a decent cable-odyssey linear slick or nokon get a decent set of callipers-deore or sd7/ultimate get a decent set of pads-heatsink or plazmatic crvs i run a ultimate lever, linear slick and ultimate callipers with heatsink cables on my curtis stock and it is fantastic, kicks the arse of any magura ive ever owned and used on my monty mod i run a xtr lever blade in a xt body, linear slick and avid ultimate callipers with plaz crv pads-its quite possibly THE best brake ive ever touched, its stupidly good i used to run a xt lever, deore callipers, random cable and spanish fly pads and that was a good brake, same sorta power as a magura-maybe not quite on par but was cheap and did the job! remember when you get a new brake, clean you rim/regrind it-its vital to keep a clean surface as thats where many seem to lose their brake.......and a good brake pad is essential too maguras are a safe bet-everyone has them cos they are cheap and most frames are designed to take them-whichever way you go you will probably be happy :huh: :lol:
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