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Everything posted by hill_393

  1. I'm fully expecting to get slated for this opinion, but this is my view - I rode Comps about 7 years back, and throughly enjoyed it then - It was a laugh, everyone got on, it was relaxed and easy. that was 7 years ago. i took a couple of years break from comps, to chill out and ride street, etc. I came back last year to comps. At first it started out well,and it seemed to reming me of past experiences. But the 2nd comp onwards it all changed. Arrogance, Temper Tantrums,Swearing,lack of Inspirtation to younger riders, made me realise that i hated being there, and i hated the atmosphere.. I stopped after 3 comps, and will never do them again. Of that i'm sure. To me the greater thrill is going out in the early evening, riding with your mates, and chilling with a beer after. Darren
  2. hill_393


    I'll be attempting to solve the most mysterious of all problems - Why is it that the moment you iron and put on a crisp new and clean t shirt, all the dirt in a 1 mile vacinity suddenly finds that T Shirt like a homing beacon? Darren
  3. Hey Dan, its Darren Hill. I used to ride on the Base Team with you, and met u in Poole recently when I was down there for a work meeting. I like the Vid mate - Looks good - Im riding in Southampton on 10.06.2006 if you fancy coming. im also down Poole on the 23rd/24th of May if you want to meet up for an early evening ride? PM me your Mob number, and i'll give you a call Darren
  4. I'm going to it - Doing a bit of research for Animal - Possible event sponsors for next year...... Darren
  5. Not very interesting at all, but my girlfriend and I know what eachother are going to say before we've even said it - Sort of along the lines of the Monty Python Sketch - " The sentence finisher" Darren
  6. I rode for the Base Team a while back, and have to say that the Base was a frame that I really got on with - i don't really like the High BB's of todays bike - My current bike is an 05 saracen kitted out with top kit, and weighs in at about 24 Pounds. I find it good for everything - Natural, Street,park,etc. Darren
  7. Hello little man. Looks good. Darren ( Or Ron as you know me)
  8. Nice Fred, i like - You still look like a Wookie though! Darren
  9. I would use the never ending power of sarcasm, and combine it with my toe nail clippings to create a deadly force that no one could stop! Darren
  10. I've had Square Taper for over 8 years of Trials Riding, and have never rounded off a taper, or snapped a BB. Stock with what you know, and I know Square Taper Darren
  11. Sorry to stop the flow - Spode - Your'e a sexy man!! He He Darren
  12. Hi - Just been thinking a lot about this recently, so I'd thought i'd get other people's views on this situation. My girlfriend Sue has literally helped turn my life around. She was my best riend for a couple of years, and before we became partners, she was always there to support and help me through the crap times, split up's etc - She would never judge me - Just help. Just before we got together, i saw her with another bloke in a club and got insanely jealous. Took me a while to figure out why - it turns out she had the same feelings. We've been together over a year now, and she helped me turn my life around. She has managed to help me get myself out of debt, and within 6 months of entering the retail enviroment as a carer, I was appointed Shop Manager. It was her belief in me, and her pushing me to be the best thats got me to where I am today. She really did help me turn my life around. Also, she tells me to go out and ride, so can't complain at all! Just wanted to post a topic to see if anyone else has been helped in this way, and who's helped them? Darren
  13. Well I fell off the floor once - scarred me for life, and now I have a twitch due to it! Darren
  14. Hey Steve. I think the photo's look fantastic mate. Considering the light conditions we had, and the added problem of being caught in a tropical rainstorm ( I know it wasnt, but it felt like it at times!), th photo's have turned out really well. i look forward to seeing the video footage. I've spoken to a few friends ( Fred and Pete), and they're definately up for coming out with us to shoot some footage. My arse looks like the size of a foreign country though in some of them! he he Darren
  15. Shit hot - Pardon the French. Come up on Sat and ill show you Darren quote name='Punkrider' date='Apr 13 2006, 12:52 PM' post='920157'] Wrong area Ron Is Ashford any good?
  16. Anyone up for a ride on Saturday in Ashford? I will put to bed the rumours that Ashford is a crap town to ride in! Fred/Tom/Pete - U up for it? Darren
  17. Anyone up for a ride on Saturday in Ashford? I will put to bed the rumours that Ashford is a crap town to ride in! Fred/Tom/Pete - U up for it? Darren
  18. I'm free all weekend. How's about Ashford? Darren
  19. Self Explanatory really! Meet at the Station at 2? Darren
  20. hill_393


    The police round my area are cool. I've been good friends with most of the coppers in my area for a long time, and never had a problem with being told to move. Having a best friend who's a Trials rider and also a Copper also helps! Darren
  21. Working Thursday mate. Thanks for the offer though. Cu Fri. I think we'll all be meeting round about lunch time at the harbour Darren
  22. Im riding in Folkestone on Friday, with Pete, Fred, etc. Anyone fancy coming? Darren
  23. Anyone up for a ride on Sat 8th in London? Darren
  24. Cheers for the reply Ben. I think possibly your the 1st person to see that it wasn't a dig at anyone. it was just an expression of opinion, which I'm learnning more and more on here should be kept quiet, for fear of it being torn apart. I appreciate your answer because rather than a simple - "Your view is wrong, so be quiet" answer, you've taken the time to go into detail about it, and given a fair, non biased answer, which is fair to say is sometimes lacking with replies to posts. Please note everyone - maybe this is how replies should be - Ben's reply here is a perfect example. Darren
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