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Everything posted by roozor

  1. roozor

    20" Vinco!

    Seriously want one (N)
  2. What the hell is up with me, i seem to go through a tpa each day at the moment! So annoying! :| how have you guys delt with gay tpa's ? (Y)
  3. I'm in Gillingham in Dorset, pretty close to whiltshire, i go to salisbury and mere a lot!
  4. Where can you buy koxx browns online? Might have to give them a go
  5. would be cool, but games like world of warcraft arent fun with 6 people :shifty:
  6. It's amazing! but the downside is the montly subscription :|
  7. roozor

    Old Man Checking In

    If he's a learner, he has more reason to wear a helmet :|
  8. roozor

    Mod Or Stock

    lol honestly, it was sarcasm, i was trying to get accros the point that cls and benito, are equally as good on stock as mod. I can ride just as good stock or mod, i just choose mod because i like the way it feels. Not because some fag reason like riding a mod is cheating :|
  9. roozor

    Mod Or Stock

    Yeah, stick cls or benito on a 26, i bet they're really shit. This is such a fag post, close it :- IT'S PREFERENCE you idiots.
  10. roozor

    Snail Cams

    You thinking of making some then ? (Y)
  11. You sir are such an onza hating idiot, get out of my sight now :-
  12. Tom rocks, but i hate his bmx (Y) It steals him away from me!
  13. roozor


    rofl! this isn't golf, you lot dont need bloody caddy's to push your bikes around1!1!!1!! I swear trials get more geeky by the minute, everyones so "Ewwww your bike didn't cost 1000£, you cant come in our 2000£ club, sorry meight" "oh my god your not allowed to ride natural the day before a natural comp, thats cheating1!11!!" cant everyone just have fun on their bikes, and stop all this moaning crap. I ride because i love riding, i dont care if you all think i'm shit or my bike is, i couldn't care less, i just know you're sad :lol:
  14. hey gap girl! look what i found :shifty:" "The Mercury Program - Sultans of el sur" my msn is roozor@gmail.com if you want a send!
  15. Stuff the video! What was the tune in the background of that vid ? :shifty: (the video rocked too, was only kidding!)
  16. I taught my g/f how to ride standing up, she had to to have a go on my t-pro :-. In heels aswell :lol: Trackstand coming soon!
  17. Cant find anywhere that will, i'm really considering a monty 221 ti 04 or 05 frame to replace my t-pro, which is getting a bit old. Anyone know? I will give cleanbikes a mail soon, might be able to sort me but not sure! Alex
  18. Anyone got any good pics of a full built one?
  19. If you look after something, it lasts longer :o I'm not meaning your not allowed to go to bash, but come on, that's pretty mangled for 5 weeks. I look at a bash with the state of mind that it's for protection, not to be used all the time. if i dont make something backwheeling, then i jump off and take the bike with me, hardly hit bash!
  20. 500 - 600 deffinatly! but it's so nice <_< i've allways been a planet-x lover , if i rode stock still i'd be buying it from you!
  21. Why does this topic even exsist ! (Y) Everyone knows the answer. God, The ammount of times i've put firefox on customers pc's or told them that they should be using it! I should charge mozilla :D
  22. It was so much nicer blue, it was original! :( now you're part of the long,low silver club :(
  23. When i have my lock on's on my bars, they never slipped! even under my fat weight :( best grips i've owned! for comfort/doing the job
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